We Are All One

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We Are All One

It does not matter what color we are, what religion we believe in, what sectional issues have befallen us, and grudge we hold against others,

We are all one.

Every day I see the same pain and struggle which occur,

Wars, death, sickness, disease, and for what?

Some more money to promote patriotism and the fear of death and numbness to the bone which have plagued multiple families?

Need I have to say that the Mexican American War only came about as a result of one's own selfishness? No, people's selfishness?

Starting a war over land? Driving multiple people from their home to simply have some more slaves to push forward?

More agendas to thrive and a wonderful land which we live in only to be built on the corpses of many innocent families?

Must I mention the racial crimes which continue among either color,

And the ones of my color are shown as more violent and disgusting creatures, who only use their powerful voices to negatively influence the youth for more paper to keep them in an enslaved mentality?

Moreover, the few which break from that are either not heard, or are killed for speaking against the "wrong people".

Communities which have alcohol and substances which incite riots are in the poorest of communities,

Yet the highest of the high and privileged have restrictions and boundaries.

Money is used more and more every day to create guns for wars and violence,

Yet there are still so many people who are in pain, dying on the streets of many great, "flourishing and developed" countries.

Even the beautiful isle of Cayman,

Having such a high standard of living and such an astounding society, has poor areas which can be present around the island.

We are one, but how can we say that when all that we are doing are pandering and pushing for an ideal society, but are unable to act on it?

How are great nations developing while underdeveloped ones continue to suffer?

Cities which are wrought with crime, devastation, and destruction are existing right now,

Yet many of their leaders turn a blind eye to such things all for the purpose of green bills to further fill their greedy desires.

What else am I to say?

When shall it be enough?

This corruption? This hurt of the world.

Shall it stop when we are nearly defeated? When the green turn to brown, and the brown to grey, until black is present and there is nothing left but the bodies of those we have failed to help, and the bodies of the rich who have fed into this destruction?

This is tainting the world, and as a society which should stand together, we must all realize that,

We Are All One.

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