Chapter 6: Gift Giving

Start from the beginning

"I know you must have a hundred questions, and I promise that everything will be explained in due time. For now, you need to focus on healing your body and not concern yourself with that." She runs her hand along your cheek, making your face hot.

You do have questions. So many questions, and you don't have the patience to wait for answers. She presses her thumb against your mouth when you try to open it, shaking her head. You aren't going to get any answers, not from her at least. Her thumb traces the outlines of your lips as her eyes dart from your lips back to your eyes.

"Do you need some water?" She asks, breaking the silence.

You blink a few times before nodding in response.

She reaches across you for the water with her free hand, not releasing your hand as she did, then twists her body to bring the glass to your lips. You raise your head the best you can, drinking the water greedily until she pulls it away from you, letting a dribble of water run down your chin. Water has never tasted so good before, you want to drown in it but know if you drink too fast that it'll come right back up.

"Don't get used to this. Remember that you're the servant, not me." She teases before setting the glass on the stand next to her.

You attempt a laugh but it turns into a cough that becomes rather violent, your body curling into itself while covering your mouth with your hand. Bela's face turns to worry as she stands and runs her hand over your back, the other hand holding yours even tighter. When the coughing fit subsides you lay back against the headboard, Bela watching over you with worry as she brushes some loose strands of hair away from your face.

"Mother said it'll take some time, but you're in the worst of it now and can only get better."

Your eyes meet hers again, seeing they are still shiny from crying, "lay with me."

Bela hesitates, you can see her contemplating her decision as her eyes dart between you and the floor, then she stands and goes around to the opposite side of the bed. She crawls on top of the covers, wrapping her arms around you tightly and ignoring your grunts of pain. You can smell the honeysuckle more clearly now as it wafts around you, and when the pain lessens, you use the remnants of energy to lay down again and wrap an arm around her. She lays her head against your shoulder, and her fingers run along your chest.

"You can talk to me anytime Bela." You whisper.

"You should go back to sleep." She responds equally as quiet, clearly not wanting to talk anymore.

The both of you lay like that for some time, her fingers trailing over the curves of your abdomen and then back up to your ribs. When she looks back at you she notices your eyes still open, to which she huffs, using her fingers to press your eyelids shut.

"Go to sleep." She orders.

As stubborn as ever, you open one eye to peek at her before closing it again when she tries to reach for you again.

"I swear to Mother Miranda if you don't close your eyes I'll make them close." She threatens teasingly.

You wake from slumber again, noticing no light through the curtain and turning your gaze toward your clock. 3am. A soft sigh makes you look down to your opposite shoulder to see Bela asleep on it, her breathing rhythmic, perfectly in time with your own breathing. Even without any light you can make out everything in your room, clearly seeing the furniture in different shades of gray and black. When you look back down at Bela, you can see every perfect detail of her body, from the faint smears of makeup and blood on her face down to the detail of her head symbol.

She had moved under the comforter, and no longer wore her cloak, you glance over to the desk to see her cloak hanging on the back of the chair. Her body isn't cold but every part of it is pressing against your own. You smile to yourself, realizing that she was using you to warm herself up and now you two are nearly the same temperature. Burying your face against her hair, you take another deep breath of her sweet scent, memorizing it to your brain; breathing it in like your life depended on it for survival. You close your eyes and think about how warmly and gently her and her sisters treated you.

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