Chapter 16: A Life's End

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I jumped out and rolled into Levi. His gun was still in the house so now we only had our knives. Except for me. I still had my pistol. It just needed to be reloaded. I dug my knife into his arm. He screamed in pain, "I'm sorry Levi!" I yelled, "But you betrayed me. You betrayed us!" He seemed to understand that I was talking about Claire and Grace. He laughed through the pain. I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down. Levi had stabbed me with his knife. He took the knife out of my side and tried to stab me again. I quickly let go of his arm and caught his hand before he stabbed me. I used my other hand to dig my knife out of his hand. Twisting as I pulled it out. Levi screamed in pain and I pushed him to the ground. I took my pistol from my holster and dropped the clip out. I grabbed another one and slid it into the gun. I cocked it and aimed it at Levi's head. I hesitated for a second before quickly aiming at his knee and pulling the trigger. Bang! I watched him flinch and scream. He kicked my leg out from under me with his other foot. I fell and dropped my gun. I didn't see where it went. When I stood up Levi was already up. He stumbled and limped toward me. He punched me in the stomach. I doubled over and he punched me in the face knocking me backwards. I stumbled to keep my balance. I threw my fist at Levi and managed to hit him in the face. He stumbled backwards, tripping over his injured leg. I grabbed my knife and knelt down next to Levi. I closed my eyes and raised the knife, ready to dig it into Levi's heart. I brought the knife down and before it pierced his skin I felt something in my side. My body froze. My hands dropped the knife. I heard it hit the ground. I opened my eyes and looked down. Levi had stabbed me again on my other side. He pulled the knife out and I fell to the ground wheezing. I couldn't move my legs. I reached into my pouch and grabbed a small syringe of Morphine. I took the cap off and stabbed my leg. I squeezed the syringe and relaxed. I laid my head on the ground. I watched as Levi stood up and limped over to my head. He knelt down, "I'm sorry," He said, "It wasn't supposed to end this way. Believe me. I didn't want to kill you. But you made the choice for me when you tried to find us." He slowly moved his knife across the side of my head. I reached for my knife but Levi put his foot on my arm. He drove his knife into my arm. I held back a scream of pain. He pulled the knife out of my arm and put it on the ground. I reached my arm over and put my hand on his foot. He lifted his foot and kicked my arm back over. He limped over to the side of my head and knelt down again. He ran his fingers down the side of my face, "You know. Cali's going to miss you," He said, "But. Then again when we win the war she'll join you in death." I closed my eyes and thought of Cali. I let my anger take over. I quickly reached over and grabbed Levi's knife. I swung my arm back and dug the knife into Levi's side. He fell back and I pulled myself onto him. I grabbed the knife out of his side. He reached for my arm but I sliced his arm and he pulled it back. I continued pulling myself toward his head. Letting the weight of my limp body hold his arms down. I got right next to his ear, "I'm sorry Levi. But you're wrong. You won't be winning the war. I may not be around to see the Allied flags flying again but you sure won't be around to watch your country inevitably lose the war. And while yes Cali will eventually join me in death. It's not for a few decades!" I yelled. I plunged the knife deep into his chest. I twisted and pulled it out. I crawled a little bit higher and dug the knife into his neck. I watched as his body went limp. Lifeless. I pushed myself off of him and grabbed the paper from my pocket. I grabbed a pencil from my pocket too. I wrote something on the paper and folded it. I held it in my hand and closed my eyes. I pictured Cali in a white dress. Flowers in her hand and slow music playing as she walked slowly down the aisle. I looked around at the empty space when things faded white.

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