Chapter 13: Let the Hunt Begin

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I stood there staring at the body. I looked around the town trying to decide what to do. I looked back at the house I was in. I thought about Grace and Claire. Where did they go? What's going to happen to Levi? I closed my eyes, fighting back tears. Levi, Grace and Claire kept me sane. I was never a social person. But when it came to dangerous situations I liked having someone else to share the struggle with. I walked back towards the house and thought about what I should do. I remembered that we were supposed to regroup at the campsite after we cleared the town. I made sure I had all of my gear. I checked to make sure my rifle was loaded. It was. I checked my sidearm. It still had some ammo but not a full magazine. I holster my gun and start the long and lonely walk back to camp.

I walked for about 30 minutes before I could see the campsite. I walked into the middle of camp and it seemed like most of the groups were back. I sat down on a crate and started thinking about what I should do next. I thought about giving up and trying to go home. But that wasn't me. I eventually decided to go looking for them. I stood up and walked back to the town where Levi was taken. I looked at the footprints on the ground where Levi was dragged away and started following the drag marks. I walked for about 30 minutes before I heard gunshots in the distance. I slowed my pace a little bit and followed the sound of the gunshots.

When I got to the place where the gunshots were coming from I saw Grace and Claire hiding behind a wall. A bunch of German soldiers were firing on Grace and Claire's location. I ran up to join them, "Where's Levi!" I yelled, Grace and Claire looked at me and, once they realized it was me, hugged me, "We followed the Germans who took him here. He's somewhere inside that building!" Grace yelled and pointed to a building with two AA guns in the front of the building. I looked at the windows. Almost every window had a soldier in it with a turret aimed in our direction. I stayed hidden and devised a plan, "Grace! You go around the left with Claire! I'm taking the right! We're going to clear out the building and then take control of the AAs!" I yelled. Grace and Claire nodded.

I turned and ran around the side of the building I was hiding behind. I had my rifle at the ready. A soldier burst out of the alleyway beside me. I wrestled with him for a few minutes before I got on top of him. He took his knife and tried to stab me. I pinned his arm to the ground and punched him. I took his knife from his hand and drove it into his chest. I took it out and dug it into the side of his neck. I left the knife in his neck and stood up. I wiped the blood from my hands and grabbed my rifle off the ground. I continued on my way towards the German safehouse. I made it safely to the house before the safehouse. I peeked around the corner and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Levi was in the doorway. Shooting towards the place Grace, Claire and I were hiding. I started to creep towards the back of the safehouse. When I got out back I held my body against the wall next to the door. I reached my hand down and grabbed the doorknob. I twisted it and was about to push it open when Grace and Claire came around the other corner. They came over to me and gave me the signal to open the door. I swung the door open and ran inside. Grace and Claire followed me. The room quickly erupted into gunshots. Claire shot two soldiers, Grace shot three, and I didn't shoot any. I sprinted into the front room, "Levi!" I yelled, "It's over! Let's go!" Levi looked at me and with a surprised look he ran outside. I swung my rifle over my shoulder and grabbed my pistol. I followed him, Bang! Bang! I shot two soldiers as I went outside. I looked around trying to find Levi. I saw him slip around the corner of the house.

The Day of BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora