Chapter 9: Blood Bath

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When we reached the beach the door on the boat screeched and started dropping. In an instant there were soldiers running, guns firing, explosions exploding, and most of all. Bodies falling. The bullets tore into every inch of the beach and our boats. I was knocked to the ground by the soldier in front of me. When I got him off me I jumped over the edge of the boat. I stood up and wiped the water from my eyes. I looked around and all I could see were bodies. The blood of my friends, the blood of my fellow soldiers, littered the ground and spilled into the ocean. It was as if I were taking a literal blood bath. I barely made two steps when a bullet hit me in my side. I fell backwards into the water and passed out. When I came to, I was behind the tank from my dream. Levi was there too. I didn't know what to do. My dream was coming true. I sat there behind the tank when I saw the person that looked like Claire lying dead on the ground. I didn't move this time even though my instincts told me to.

After a few minutes of sitting there Levi turned to me. I stood up, gun at the ready. He pulled out his pistol quickly and aimed it at me. I put my gun on the ground instinctively. I looked him dead in the eye, "Why are you doing this? And don't say because you have to?" I said. He looked at me and pulled the trigger. My ear started ringing. I looked behind me to see a German soldier lying dead on the ground with a hole in his head. I picked my gun up and thought back on my dream. Why was I so scared? I had to ignore it for now, "Are you ready? We need to make a run for the sea wall!" Yelled Levi. I tapped his shoulder with my fist to say I was ready. On his count we ran. Bullets flew at us, past us, and not once were we hit. We made it to the sea wall quickly and sat there not knowing what else to do. We had to wait for the soldier with the explosive to come and blow a hole in the wall.

We sat there for a good few minutes before Grace showed up, "Everybody watch out!" She yelled. We all moved out of the way as she planted an explosive on the wall. She lit the fuse and ran over to join Levi and I. We waited for the bomb to explode. When it did we all filtered through the hole. Once we were through, the guns in the bunkers couldn't hit us. That was our goal. To take out the turrets and clear out the bunkers. Levi and I were both assigned to the same bunker. And it was just us two left. Everyone else that was assigned to ours was either dead or dying. Levi and I said goodbye to Grace and made our way to the bunker. We had to find our way through a maze of trenches.

We turned a corner and were ambushed by a group of German soldiers. I was pinned against a wall by one and two others were trying to take out Levi. I heard a gunshot and saw Levi kneeling on the ground. The two soldiers were dead in front of him. Levi stood up and stabbed the German holding me to the wall in the side of his neck. He held the body as he took his knife back and dragged the body over to the others. He stood up and grabbed his gun from the ground. I re-balanced myself and picked up my gun. We made our way through the trenches some more when, "DJ! Over here, I found it.!" I heard Levi yell. We crouched low so we didn't make a lot of noise. The bunker door was open. We made our way to the door and I grabbed a grenade from my pouch. I squeezed the trigger and pulled the pin. Taking a deep breath I threw the grenade into the bunker and watched as it bounced off the wall and even deeper into the bunker. I heard screaming as I waited, then a loud boom rocked the whole bunker and Levi and I went inside. We turned the corner to where the grenade was. The room was black from the explosion and there were parts of what appeared to be a soldier lying all over the place. Levi and I checked the rest of the bunker and once we decided it was empty, made our way outside.

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