Chapter 2: The Letter

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I let go of Cali's hand and stood up to go to the door. When I opened the door there was someone in a green Military uniform. "Donald J, Kray. You are being deployed on Sunday June 4th. I have come here to give you notice and to have you get packed and say your goodbyes." I stood there in shock. How was I getting deployed already? I had only been home from the academy a week. Things must be desperate for them to recruit me of all people. "We're that desperate already?" I asked, "No sir, but we're afraid we may get to that point soon, so we're doing what we can to prevent it. You'll be briefed on the way to Normandy." Said the person in my doorway. I stood there for a minute before finally realizing something. Normandy? "I'm being sent to France?" I asked, "The Nazi's like, just invaded France the majority of their forces are there, and you want me there? How many other people are going to be there?" The officer in my doorway smiled a mischievous, yet innocently happy smile. "Well sir, there's all of America. There's Canada, and The British all attacking different places in France at the same time." I stood there in amazement. Three whole countries worth of Military power? The rumors must really be true about the strength of the Nazis if we need three entire countries just to take back France. "Yes sir," I said, "I'll be packed, ready, and at the train station tomorrow." The officer nodded, turned around and marched back down my driveway.

I turned back around and started walking back to my kitchen when, Knock Knock Knock, Again, someone was at my door. I quickly turned back around, and, a little bit annoyed, opened my door again. This time there was nobody there. I looked around outside but didn't see anybody. I was about to turn and go back inside when something white caught my eye. I looked down at my feet and saw a letter laying on my porch. I bent down to pick it up when I noticed a military jeep at the end of my driveway. I ignored it, grabbed the letter and stood up. I turned back around and went inside to my kitchen. I sat down next to Cali and opened the envelope. I took out the letter and a piece of paper fell out, I picked it up and read it out loud for Cali to hear. "Little Falls Minnesota to Cape May New Jersey. Zero six slash zero five slash one nine four four. Nine O'clock AM." I looked at Cali who was starting to get a worried look in her eyes. I leaned over to her and put my forehead on her cheek. "It's okay. I love you," I said. Cali turned and kissed my forehead, "I love you too," She replied. I went back to the envelope and grabbed the letter again. I picked it up and started reading aloud again. "Private Donald Kray, you are being deployed to Normandy, France on June sixth. You will be briefed on the ship. You are allowed now, until the fourth at the train station to say your goodbyes. You will be expected to be precisely on time on the fourth. If you are not. You may not be deployed, or you may get discharged from the military. Have a good day. We will see you on the fourth." I set the letter down and looked over to Cali who now had tears in her eyes and slowly creeping down her face. I put my hand in hers and looked her dead in the eye. "I love you Cali, and we will make it through this. Look what we've been through already. Who's to say a wars gonna separate us?" I said, and gave her a very heartfelt and passionate kiss.

We sat there at the table for a good 5 minutes. I held her in my arms trying to comfort her as she cried. Eventually she stopped crying. I continued to hold her in my arms, gently running my hand up and down her arm, my other hand lightly holding her head on my shoulder. I turned and kissed the top of her head, "What do you say we go for a walk?" I asked, Cali looked at me and nodded, tears staining her face. I stood up and, holding her hand, we walked to our room to get our shoes on. "Hey, I have a surprise for you," I said as we got our shoes on.

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