Chapter 1

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Blue Flame was driving to the store he needed to get some groceries because his fridge was almost empty he was also going to get stuff for his freezer as well. Once he pulled into the parking space, he saw that the store wasn't too crowded he got outta his car,locked it and headed inside the store he grabbed a shopping cart and started browsing the isles. He started grabbing different things for the fridge, luckily he didn't have to go far to find them he headed to the freezer section and grabbed some ice cream and ice cream sandwiches. He then headed to the fruit isle he grabbed some strawberries, bananas and blueberries he planned to make a smoothie outta them.

"Oh yeah this'll definitely be worth the drive home" Blue said as he headed to the check-out, once he got there he saw the line only had around four people in it so he waited behind them but unfortunately he was going to have to wait a bit because there was a Karen yelling at an employee about her expired coupons him along with the rest of the shoppers groaned in annoyance.

"Ma'am please calm down I keep telling you that your coupons are expired" The employee said in the softest voice Blue always felt terrible that employees had to deal with these types of people it's no wonder Karens always end up on the internet

"And I'm telling you they're not expired! You're just being stupid! I got these coupons yesterday and if you cannot see that they're not expired you retail workers are always screwing things up!" The Karen yelled at the poor employee

"Lady can you hurry up?! I need to get back home it's my off day from work and I'd like to spend it with my family thank you very much!" A woman in front of Blue shouted then Blue spoke up

"Yeah! And I got ice cream in this cart and I'd like for it to not melt!" Blue said annoyed the Karen glared at the two of them and yelled back

"How about both of you shut up?! Your lives aren't important! Have some respect!" The Karen shouted

"Oh that's real rich coming from a woman who is yelling at employees and has nothing better to do with her life!" Blue shouted back at her the other shoppers yelled in agreement

"Listen here boy! I don't know who you think you are but you need to respect your elders!" The Karen said

"Boy?! Oh okay so we're playing that game two can play at that game! Listen here you human-sized barbie doll, no matter how much you try to make yourself look pretty I'm sure any man who looks at you will run for the hills and I don't blame them, because who wants to grow old with a woman who gets her panties in a twist when she doesn't get her way. Now do all of us a big fat favour by shutting up and pay for your groceries so that we can move on with our lives!" Blue said very angry the whole store went silent even the Karen was silent she paid for her groceries and hurried outta the store with her tail tucked between her legs.

"Y-you didn't have to that" The employee said turning to Blue

"Listen it's no problem, I just hate seeing people like her harassing innocent people all the time" Blue said calming down

"W-well thanks anyway" The employee said Blue nodded after about a few minutes Blue walked outta the store, put the groceries in his car and made the drive home once he made it home he hurriedly open his front door,ran to the kitchen and put the ice cream in the freezer.

"Phew" Blue said as he wiped his forehead he walked back out and started bringing in the other groceries once he was done he locked up his car and went back inside. After he got done, he sat down and decided to watch some YouTube on his phone he was watching a very popular short horror film called "The backrooms". He found it to be pretty interesting since he was a pretty big horror fan.

Blue's stomach growled but once he got up and headed to the kitchen, he suddenly started sinking into the floor it's like he was no-clipping through it, he panicked he grabbed the arm of his couch to hang on for dear life but it wasn't working and his whole entire body sunk all the way down into the floor.

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