43. You're Not Steve

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I'm Steve."

"I'll go get her."

He disappeared back into the venue. You could hear the music when he opened the door but it became muffled when the doors closed. A minute later, the door opened once again and I could see Florence's tiny figure follow behind him. She was relieved to go home but as soon as she saw me, her eyes narrowed and you could see she wasn't happy to see me.

"What are you doing here? You're not Steve!" she shouted.

It was obvious she was drunk and not thinking coherently. The security guard was confused because I got her name right but I wasn't Steve. I've just about had it with her. She was causing a commotion and all I did was come here to take her home even though the call wasn't meant for me. All I wanted was for her to return home safely but here she was running her mouth and embarrassing me in front of others.

"You're right. I'm not Steve," I replied, feeling feisty myself. "You misdialed and called me instead asking me to take you home so here I am. You've got two choices. Either come with me or call Steve and have him take you home."

You could tell by my tone that I've had enough. I'm fucking tired. I should be sleeping in my own bed but here I am picking someone up who doesn't even want to see my face. She immediately shut her mouth, blushing.

"Do you know him?" the guard asked.

"Yes, I know him," Florence snapped. "I must've called the study number by accident. I had no idea that was your personal number and now my phone's dead."

"I'm gonna give you one minute to decide. I haven't got all day."

She knows she doesn't live that far away from me and she knows I can be trusted. But she refuses to admit she needs my help and that she was in the wrong for causing such a scene.

"Fine," she huffed, walking past me.

"You're walking the wrong way. I'm parked in the loading zone." She turned around and made her way towards the loading zone. "My car is the one with the hazard lights."

I unlocked the car so she could let herself into the passenger seat. She put her seatbelt on and was silent the whole time so I turned on the radio, turning the volume low.

"Is it warm enough for you?" I asked, putting my hand in front of the vents. The air felt warm but she's wearing a black leather skirt so I dunno.

"I'm fine." She looked out the window and I took a moment to look at her attire. She was dressed in all black and you could see her black bra through her sheer lace top. Not wanting to get caught staring, I averted my eyes and put the car in gear.

"I know how to get home but you're gonna have to direct me to your place," I told her and she nodded her head.

Having her in my car made me even more nervous. If I was careful before, I'm painstakingly cautious right now. It wasn't that I was afraid she'd comment on my driving. I just wanted to drop her off without agitating her further. We were getting closer to my flat and luckily she spoke up, directing me to her place.

"Keep going straight for three more blocks and then take a right at Howard."

We made it to a small house in a quiet neighborhood. Everyone was asleep except for the both of us so I pulled over and unlocked the door. She was looking for her keys so I turned on the overhead lights so she could see. She was looking for quite a while, checking all the pockets in her purse.

"Is everything alright?" I asked. She began taking out the contents of her purse.

"I can't find my keys."

REM // Van McCannWhere stories live. Discover now