"Ah, you're here, finally" The boss man, Matthew, explained with a fake smile on his face.

"Come here, I wanna introduce you so someone" He said while pointing his hand to the man next to him.

Nyx didn't move at first, scared of who he could possibly want to introduce her to. When the guard noticed she stayed in the same spot, he put his hand out and pushed her forward.

Nyx tripped out her own feet and stumbled forward. The other man in the police uniform caught her arm to keep her from falling.

"Wow, are you okay?" the man asked her while throwing a glare to the guard behind her. To which he just responded with a shrug of his shoulders and a smirk fanning his mouth.

Nyx took in a breath and nodded her head towards the man. "Yeah, thank you" She responded with, her voice a mer whisper.

The man let go of her arm, and went back to his spot from besides Matthew.

"Anyways, this is Noah Stilinski, the sheriff of Beacon Hills" Matthew explained, raising his eyebrows, putting some emphasis into the word sheriff.

At the word sheriff, Nyx took a moment to examine his uniform. She noticed a badge strip with the word Sheriff on it, sewn into his brown-ish button up shirt over his right chest.

Nyx didn't know how to respond, so she just answered with an okay. Matthew let out a sigh at her one word response.

"You're gonna be living with him from now on" Matthew explained to Nyx giving her yet another fake smile.

At that Nyx was confused. She didn't understand why she was just now getting out of this hell hole of a place that she'd been living in her whole life but honestly, she didn't care. Anywhere was better than this horrible place, anything was better than being around the people here who could, would, and will do impossible things to whoever they want with no consequences what so ever.

But to be honest, Nyx was also really scared. She was gonna be moving into a house with another man. She doesn't know if he even has a sweet bone in his body. Him catching her from falling could've been all an act. He could do worse things to her than the people here at Eichen have. Who knows... Definitely not her.

"Well, this is Noah Stilinski," Matthew introduced looking back and forth between the two.

"And this, Noah, is Nova Gray" Matthew said looking at Noah

"Its Nyx" She said looking at Matthew with a narrowed eyed look that can only be explained as a you know this already look

Matthew let out a small sigh, before turning to look at Noah and then he properly introduces Nyx. "This is Nova 'Nyx' Gray"

"Its very nice to meet you, Nyx" Noah said with a small smile, deciding to call her Nyx after seeing the look on her face when Matthew introduced her by Nova.

"You too sir" Nyx replied with a nod of her head

Matthew clapped his hands together and turned to Noah, "Okay well, I'm gonna need you to sign some papers," he said to Noah before turning to Nyx "And you should go get your things together, okay?"

Nyx nodded her head and watched as Matthew turned to Noah, put a hand on his shoulder and guided him away. She then turned around and came face to face with the guard that is standing a little to close to her.

She took in a deep breath and met his eyes. When she saw the glare look he had in his eyes, she dropped her eyes to look at the floor, walked around him, and started walking back to her room.

She could hear his footsteps following behind her. After a few turns, she made it to her room and walked in to stand it the middle of her room.

She room wasn't actually a room, it was more of a cell with four metal walls and a big metal door with a lock that only locks on the outside. She had a small twin sized bed in the corner of her room, the mattress so thin she can sometimes feel the frame poking into her back. She only has one pillow and one blanket laying on her bed, it being the only ones she was given. In the opposite corner of her bed there's a small little dresser filled with multiples of the same clothes she's wearing right now, and a few different undergarments. She has a few papers and books scattered around the floor, there's also a pair of power dampener cuffs hanging on a hook next to the door. And lastly she has a few photos of what her parents looked like before they died, she has them so she can remember what they look like since she's never met them before.

Nyx || Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now