Chapter 1

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Nyx Gray woke up to the sound of someone banging on her cell room door. The one that she's been living in for all of her life, sadly.

Nyx let out a groan when she heard her door unlocking from the outside and the door slamming open so hard that it hit the wall with a banging noise.

"Get up" she heard, "Get up now, or else I make you" she heard the loud booming annoying voice talk, again.

She internally rolled her eyes, before letting them open. She turned her head to her door seeing a big, buff guard.

"What do you want?" Nyx asked while rubbing her eyes.

"You're needed in the front, so get up" the guard said while crossing his arms.

She let out an annoyed sigh, before sitting up, holding the covers up to her chest.

"Well can you get out so I can get dressed?" She tried to ask him as nicely as possible but her voice came out a little bit strained, and clipped.

The guard only smirked and leaned against the doorframe in response.

When Nyx realized that he wasn't going to leave, she inhaled and then exhaled a shaky breath.

She doesn't know why she's surprised he won't leave, she's been going through this her whole life. But there's just something about being watched 24/7 by older men that just makes her uncomfortable and makes her skin crawl. Especially during private moments like these.

Nyx is thankful she at least decided to wear her sports bra to sleep, because when she drops her sheet from where she's holding it up to her chest to her lap, the guards gaze goes straight from her face to her chest.

Once she see's that his attention is now on a part of her that she doesn't want it to be, she quickly pushes her sheet aside, stands up, grabs her grey long sleeved shirt that's discarded in the corner of her room, and rushes to puts it on.

She's thanking the devil that she left her sweatpants on to sleep last night. She then pads over to where her worn down muddy white shoes that are next to the door and slips them over her sock clad feet.

Once she's finished, she just stands there waiting for the guard to move so they can leave. The guard reaches his arm out, and when Nyx flinches he stops with his arm raised halfway up. The guard laughs at her then continues raising his arm until his fingers are at the side of her face pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

Nyx tried to keep her breaths evened as the guard then went on to rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

He abruptly moves his hand to the back of her head and grabs a hand full of her hair and pulls her face close to his.

"You're getting out of the bitch of a place, you know that?" The guard said to her through clenched teeth.

Nyx tried not to show any signs of shock or surprise, keeping a straight face knowing he would take it as a sign a weakness.

"Lets go you little piece of shit" The guard said before he moved his grip from her head to her arm and pulled her out the room.

The whole way to where Nyx was needed, he kept his grip tight on her arm. They made it to the front of Eichen House where the front desk and all the offices are. When they got there Nyx saw "the boss" of this place and a man, that she didn't know, wearing some sort of police uniform.

When they came to a stop in front of the two men, the guard finally letting go of Nyx's arm. She lifted her right hand up to rub at her left bicep, which was stinging because of how hard the guard was holding her. Her jaw ticked at the thought of his hand leaving a mark on her.

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