April 2025.

316 15 5

"Are you staying in late again?"
I give a nod and a smile to Jess who bids me goodbye and then closes the door behind her when she leaves.

I get up to go make sure we're all locked up before returning to my office to work on the books.

A few hours later, I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier from exhaustion so I finally decide to go home.

I stop by Burger King on my way after deciding against cooking. I'm supposed to be watching what I eat since I started my new diet, but I'd be damned if I still had to take out pots when I get home in my very worn-out state.

I'm also in no mood for a salad or anything of the like so a burger will more than just 'do'.

I'm thankful for the small distance between home and work once I arrive, and upon pressing the garage door opening button on the remote, I'm surprised to see Olli's M-series blocking my parking spot, having taken two spots as opposed to just one. I take a deep breath and then decide to park my car in the driveway.
He leaves earlier than I do so his laziness will actually be a delay for him as he'll need to back my car out first before he leaves in the morning. But oh well.

"You're home early."
I say as soon as I enter the house, practically rushing to start eating but I'm met with silence.

"You blocked my car again. If it rains you're taking it to the car wash."
I continue talking to myself as I now take out the Burger King meals from the paper bag.

I take out two plates to dish the meals on then I make my way to his office where he sits staring at his computer.

"I know you don't like burgers anymore but Burger King didn't have very many options."
I say putting his meal right beside him on the desk.

I didn't think much about it if I'm being honest. I wanted a burger so I got him one too. It's not like I didn't get him anything.

"No thanks, I already had dinner."
He says simply, not bothering to look up from whatever seems to be of most importance on his PC.

"Guess I know what I'm having for breakfast."
I mumble to myself as I take the rejected food back to the kitchen to put in the fridge.

I then pour myself a glass of white wine and sit on the stool by the kitchen table to devour at the burger I've been eyeing since I bought it.

I finish one glass of wine, then 2, then 3, 4, 5, and before I can finish the 6th one, I pass out on the kitchen table, I then wake up much later to finish off the last few hours I have of sleep in the comfort of our bed.

A few weeks later...

I pop my eyes open minutes before the alarm goes off and I make sure to put it off before it screams at my ears.

I lift my heavy head from the pillow, cursing at myself for having yet another nightly solo wine party. I've become so predictable it's pathetic.

Once I'm done falsely promising myself to never drink again, I force my meat body off the bed and into our beautiful ensuite.

I wash my face, brush my teeth, and soon make my way back into the bedroom to put on my running clothes and shoes. Not too long after, I make my way out of the house to start my morning run, deciding to listen to a Biggie's playlist through my AirPods.

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