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Chat Noir: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Marinette: I climbed out of hell.

Chat Noir: Oh, is that why you're so hot?

Marinette: Shut the fuck up.


Marinette: I want coffee.

Adrien: What's the magic word?

Marinette: Get. Me. Some coffee.



(I settled for Bakudeku)

Marinette: You and Izuku are pretty much the Grumpy x Sunshine trope.

Katsuki: You and Adrien are a torturous slow burn and a very painful to watch mutual pining and it's getting annoying.

Shoto and Marc: What the-?


Denki: I have never seen 2 hot siblings. One is bound to be ugly.

Izuku and Adrien:

Izuku: Kaminari-san, I'm sorry but do your eyes work?

Adrien, pointing at Marinette and Katsuki: What do you think that is?.


Marinette, sketching something:

Adrien: The cutest human in the world. 😍

Marinette, glaring at some h0m0ph0b!c b@$tard:

Adrien: Hottest human being in the world.

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