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I took a deep breath and sat down on the chair and dropped my face into my hands. Adhi immediately knelt at my feet "Babe..." One word that was enough for me drop into his chest and bask in his warmth.

I didnt care my family was here, they have watched a lot more than us hugging by now so what the hell. I pulled back and faced my family. I owe them an explanation. And I did, with every single detail. Then only I asked about the video. Fortunately only people with Instagram, Aka youngsters had seen the video and a few of the public. The video can be taken down immediately considering I knew who did it. The video was only seen by the younger side of the family, only those who had Instagram, and those dont care. And my family who saw it promised to keep it under the wraps. Jeevan uncle and varun led adhi outside and was talking to him. I was sure it was a father in law son in law talk as He was the only father I ever had.

But when a high pitched squeal erupted from next to me I instantly knew what it was for. Tara was jumping up and down pointing at the ring on my finger.

"Oh my god! Youre engaged? In between all this? How? When?" Tara squealed.

"What?" vivek, Varun, pooja, dhriti, Mahima and who all not everyone inside the room said in chorus. I could see Adhi turning to beet red as Jeevan uncle patted him on the shoulder in approval.

"Oooh that Is a stunning ring," Ammuma cooed "I would say I told you so, but you already knew it".

We were actually brought together by her, her idea to send us to manny's place, Now I wonder whether this was her grand plan all along. I narrow my eyes at amumma and she winks back. The engagement joy was so big that vivek actually forgot about our fight and hugged me. He could never stay mad at me he loved me too much, and me him. Arjun came to me and planted a kiss on my forehead and said " Now you are my sister in all ways".

"Enough about us, we have a mehndi to plan. And I have some unfinished business. That video needs to be taken down. So Tara go and get your beauty sleep. Adhi and Arjun come with me."

I led them towards the outhouse I need to slap someone.


Maya's stern steps didnt stop till we stopped In front of Greeshma's door. That girl was out of line, way..... out of line. This was not only personal but was vile and vicious but I need to figure out how she got that video, how Khushi got to her. I need to.

Maya didnt even bother to knock as she pushed open the double door to the room. There she was curled up in the bed frantically typing at her laptop. I could say maya is a vampire as she literally flew across the room and slapped the shit of greeshma. And she deserved every bit of it. A sixteen year old shouldn't be allowed to behave like this and face no consequence.

"You fucking bitch! How dare you do that to me? ignore me, But to the person whom you claim to love? To your own cousin? How evil are you?" Maya screamed.

Greeshma began to tremble "I didnt do a..anything"

That was my breaking point. All the anger I mustered up to this point burst out of me and I yelled at the top of my lungs "DONT FUCKING LIE! You better answer my question or ill tell the whole family that you did this. Your father must be so proud"

"Please" Greeshma pleaded. " This women sent me this video and said to post and agreed that I will have you. I just... I wanted to be with you Adhi, I-"

"How many time do I have to tell you? I dont like you like that. You are my sister. This is the women I love, That im gonna marry" I pointed to maya "You cant change that no matter how much you try"

Greeshma burst into tears and ran to hug me but arjun pushed her back " Greeshu how did that women know about you?"

"She found me through inst-" Her phone rang "Its her! its Khushi"

"Attend it and put it on speaker, and dont you dare tell them we're here" maya said.

Greeshma attends the call and the voice that haunts my nightmares comes out of the phone.

"hey girl, everything go well?" Khushi spoke.

"Hii Taniya, how are you?" Maya says and Khushi's voice stops. After a few seconds she chuckles.

"you figured it out didnt you? smart girl. I know the kid was a mistake. Jeeth and this kid both of them Naïve. Waste of time" She says as if they are mere pawns of her game.

I snatch the phone from them and scream "Listen here you motherfucking bitch! If you dare to interfere in my life again, I swear to god I will burn you to the ground"

"Adhi.." she says dreamily "oh I missed your voice. Baby no matter what you do ill never let you be with another women"

"How did you know about greeshma?" I ask.

"Oh it was easy I searched through your brother's Instagram and saw the engagement photos, Although seeing maya shocked me, what even more interested me is that I saw a girl with puppy eyes set on you. I knew instantly. Maya nothing personal, its just what is mine must be mine" Khushi chuckles

"Yeah, Tell that to the cops when they find this voice recording." Maya says

"what?" The playfulness from her voice now gone.

"You blackmailed a minor to engage in pornographic business. You have a history of bullying and drug use. So that's enough proof plus this voice recording will be more than enough to put you behind bars. You can keep my ex father company" maya says and I really wasn't expecting that.

"You dont have the guts" Khushi bluffs.

"try me bitch!" Maya slams the phone down and breaks it on the ground. She smashes the laptop on the ground as well and then turns on greeshma. "Im leaving you alone because you are a kid. All this feelings you now feel is a perk of your age, it will pass when you grow older you'll understand the gravity of what you did".

We leave the room and Arjun leave us alone. I look at my fiancée. She looks tired and drained from all the stress and crying. I pulled her into my arms for a tight hug and I instantly feel the tension releasing from her body. I press a kiss to her neck and whisper "See you tomorrow future Mrs. Adithya Sankar."

"See you tomorrow Mr. Adithya Sankar" maya pulls me in for a kiss and I walk her back to her room.

Arjun runs from the corridor holding a tv remote panting intensively. "Oh god, what now arjun?"

"Dude the news, it says lockdown is going to lift!"

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum