Chapter 7: Gold Looks Good With Green

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Aether POV:

He glanced down at my lips as if he was asking for permission. I nodded. We both leaned forward and our lips connected.

While Paimon was deciding on which dish to order at the Wanmin Restaurant (she was having a hard time), I was having problems of my own. Ever since I met him, he had been on my mind every day no matter what I did. I was always thinking about him and how lovely his eyes were. I could drown in them and I wouldn't mind. They shimmered like gold in the sun and I could probably stare into them for hours.

"Hmm... Paimon has decided!"

"Finally." I rolled my eyes.

Paimon got her food and we sat down on a bench. Paimon dug into her meal and I carefully took a bite of mine as it was still a bit hot. 

So... I had figured out that I had a crush on Xiao. I had seen him a few times since the battle against Osial, and somehow I always found myself mesmerized by his eyes and his rare smile. The only problem was that I didn't know how to confess to him. How the heck would I confess to Xiao without him misunderstanding or just straight up leaving me the next second?

"Aether! Are you listening?" 

"Eh- what?"

Paimon sighed.

"Sometimes, Paimon wonders what you're thinking of. Anyways, Paimon was saying that we should go say hi to Ningguang! It's been a while since we last saw her."

I nodded.

"I agree, but where do we find her?"

Paimon shrugged.

"Maybe we can ask Beidou. She and Ningguang are close friends after all."

"Yeah, close friends." I chuckled.

Paimon facepalmed.

 We found Beidou down by the docks. She told us where we would find Ningguang (but only after she had ruffled my hair and told some interesting stories about her travels) and we said goodbye as we left. She waved at us with a big smile. We spotted Ningguang outside the place where Beidou said we would find her. She was talking to someone with arms crossed. Ningguang noticed us as soon as the person turned around to leave.

"Hi, Ningguang." I said and waved.

She smiled.

"Hello to you too, Aether. What brings you here?"

"Nothing, really. We just wanted to see how you were doing since we haven't seen you since the big battle against Osial." Paimon said.

"I see. Well, I suppose a chat wouldn't hurt. How have you been?"

I shrugged.

"We've been okay. I haven't found anything related to my sister yet and I've mostly been kept busy by the Adventurer's Guild and my commissions. You?"

"I've been fine. I seem to have gained great respect from the people of Liyue after sacrificing the Jade Chamber. On the other hand, the Fatui is avoiding any kind of contact with me. It's frustrating, to say the least."

"Lady Ningguang, I have the documents ready." Ganyu said as she exited the building behind Ningguang.

"Great. I'm afraid that we'll have to continue this chat another time, I have to get going. I'll see you later." Ningguang's assistant put the documents in a folder she was carrying.

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