The Rise of Skywalker

Start from the beginning

And when they were overpowered, Biana was angry. So fucking angry.

Then the anger rose when she heard about them joking about their pathetic lives and acting so rude to their leaders.

These kids were dangerous.

Fitz POV:

Nobody hurt his sister. Nobody.

And when they overpowered him, he was furious.

Who the hell were they?

Fucking good for nothing idiots.

And that's what he was going to stick with.

Until he found out that one of them was Keefe's abused sister.

Well shit.

Keefe POV:

His sister was back.

He was so screwed.

Sophie POV:

She didn't know what to think.

People had dare to stand up to them, what was happening?

Keefe had a sister what the fuck?

Welp now they had to become friends.

This was not going to end well.

Jocelyn's POV:

Something inside her just... Snapped. She didn't know how to describe it.

She had been abused by her parents while her brother ran free because he was a boy.

And the rage had been building up in her for a long time.

She had found the Black Swan when she ran away. She had recruited the outcasts into their organization. To change the the world.

Then she had found Tam.

That was the best thing that had happened to her in a while.

So when her own fucking twin didn't recognize her and hurt her boyfriend, the bottled emotions took control and look where she was now.

Holy Shitake mushrooms-

Tam POV:

He and Linh and been sent to Exillium long ago for being twins.

Then, when Linh had manifested as a Hydrokinetic and started flooding places because she didn't have proper training, they brought the twins back to the Lost cities.

Not after torturing them a bit.

He still had scars.

And so does Linh.

So when another girl with scars comes up to them and asks for help, they accept.

And they don't regret it.

(Linh's pov is the same as Tam's, just a little switched up.)

Dex POV:

Sophie was never his cousin.

She was too stuck up to be related to him, even if it was only by adoption.

Well fuck her.

He was happy.

His family had been looked down on for years, and when the triplets got beat up one day, a girl, now his best friend, came up to him and asked him for help.

He never looked back.

Jensi POV:

It shouldn't have been him.

And once it was, he wanted to change it.

It wasn't right.

He had learned to never say its not fair.

Because the world isn't fair

And he had to learn that the hard way.

Marella POV:

Fuck those kids.

Their fucking stuck up brats.

Stop staring at Linh, you'll go into a gay panic.

Oh they did not just hurt your crush's twin.

It was so on.

They never understood.

Brats, the lot of them.

They need to be punished.

And that was why she joined the Black Swan.

It had been the best decision of her life.

- End of Chapter 3 -

Ok I know that chapter wasn't the best, but I've been writing on a sleep-deprived coffee filled brain while I'm waiting to be discharged from the hospital.

*Lol if you got all the references you have officially passed the bookworm test*

Yeah that wasn't fun, but I'm okay now, so back to the real world I go!

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