A Witchy Friend

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Salem, 1940s

"You my sweetheart are born with a special hunger than the rest of them, one if you're aren't careful could make you the most savage vampire across the world." Agatha tells her as she gently brushes her thick hair, Wanda staring blankly at the mirror longing to see her reflection.

"You're fairly young for a vampire, only begun your second century but through time and patience you will grow further powerful. Even more powerful than Dracula himself." She whispers the last part into Wanda's ear, sending a figurative chill down her spine.

"I've always felt this drive since my first year to excell, to achieve greater power than I already have but I never figured out what." Wanda reveals to her, Agatha smiling as she begins to scheme underneath her wholehearted appearance.

"You were chosen dear, your weaknesses are mere setbacks to what you're gonna accomplish as a daughter of the darkness." Agatha softly tells her in a almost hypnotic tone, Wanda almost melting at her touch as her fingers traverse through her hair.

Agatha's eyes glow purple with a devilish smirk, her purple tipped hands massaging Wanda's head unbeknownst to the vampire woman she was being transformed into a sleeper agent from the follower of the Darkhold.

Present Time, Baxter Building Rooftop

"OH MY GOD IS THAT A VAMPIRE!?" Johnny exclaims leaping back at the savage vampire woman growling and thrashing against her web restraints, Spider-Man having to put effort in his strength to restrain her.


"Uh right Reeds laboratory I'll take you there!" Johnny regains himself as the three carry Wanda through the Baxter building, Daredevil heading to the infirmary while Johnny and Spidey lock Wanda into a continent cell before she rips outta her restraints.

"Jeez Louise man, I can't believe you fished out a sexy vampire lady from the streets." Johnny whistles in awe, looking at Wanda trying to escape the room she's contained in, banging on the glass and attacking the walls viciously.

"Yeah well this city is always full of surprises." Peter says walking up to him wrapping up the last set of bandages on his arm while the rest of his body is patched up.

Wanda growls as she begins slamming herself against the glass till it begins to crack, Johnny quickly pressing a button that enhances the brightness inside the room to the point she starts burning.

She howls in pain, trying to cover herself but her body continues to burning and falling to her knees weakened.

"Woah easy on the lights man I still need her alive for-"

"AGATHA!" She suddenly screams out turning the heads of the two before they cover their ears from her incredibly loud voice.

"Ow! She can speak?" Johnny looks up at Peter surprised.

"She didn't before." Peter decreases the brightness as Wanda crawls to the corner of the room and curls into a ball there covered in burns.

"Aw man my ears are seriously ringing right now, next time I'm not telling Reed to soundproof that room." Johnny groans, rubbing the inside of his ears. "You guys can crash for the night, I'm heading to bed."

Johnny walks off from the control room leaving Peter and Wanda alone divided by glass strong enough to contain some serious heavy hitters.

He goes to the lab, filling a empty blood pack with his own superhuman blood and opens the door to her room. She sits up and is ready to attack Spider-Man from across the room till he shows the pack of blood in his hand.

"I'll give you this blood if you don't attack me, I don't want to kill you but I can't enforce that if you don't cooperate with me. Just give me a chance to help you and you can have this blood." He bargains with her. She lowly growls before slowly approaching him and cautiously takes the pack away from his hand.

She sucks the blood from the packet healing her wounds from the process and tosses the completely empty packet aside. She turns to look at him, wondering why this above average human would be helping someone like herself.

"Why help me?" She speaks in a heavily accented voice, one skeptical yet alluring.

"No person should suffer an existence like your own, having to be animalistic at times instead of having full control over yourself 24/7."

"Why should I trust you human? So you may experiment on me like some Frankenstein's monster?"

"I want to cure you back to normal."

"My powers are me!" She retorts with a defensive snarl. "I can live for eons with them and overpower any that stand against my path!"

"I wish I could believe that but something tells me however long you've walked across the Earth you're begining to feel the setbacks of it." Spider-Man replies, pitying the vampire woman.

"Leave me be Arachnid man, I won't become a experiment for you or any of your friends!" She sharply replies, gesturing the door to him.

"They could just starve you or turn you into powder, moment I leave this building your fate is in their hands not mines. Think about it, I want to help you properly." With that he exits the room, locking the door to leave Wanda alone with her thoughts.

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