Chapter 5

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On the last episode of Dragon Ball Z!....


Wrong show...

Anyway, back at it with another chapter. Even though the new season of Destiny is about to drop, I'm still going to do my best to maintain a somewhat consistent updating schedule. I would say, realistically, I'm looking at probably two chapters a week with my current pattern of updating. Maybe three if I really get into the groove. I'll do what I can. Welp, as we say in Destiny, the grind never ends. Lets get into this one:

On the Run

"...So you're telling me that he basically gave you each a credit card linked to his almost limitless bank account and just told you to buy whatever you girls want, whenever you want?


Y/N: "...Wow...some parenting...Although I'm one to talk seeing as my folks essentially do the same thing...Anyway, you don't strike me as a materialistic person, Yoba. None of you really do, save for Nino and maybe Ichika."

Yotsuba: "Yeah, I love my sisters more than anything in the world, But even I can see that Nino's really let the money go to her head. Ichika shops sometimes too but nowhere to the degree of Nino. But trust me, I'm not like that. Neither are Miku and Itsuki, really. Heck, I was even happy at that old apartment complex. I've never really cared about not having enough money. As long as we were all together, that's all I needed. That includes you too, Y/N!" She said with as good of a smile as one could make while they were panting so hard.

Y/N would have hugged her if he wasn't so focused on keeping a consistent pace during his run. They continued on making small talk for a couple more kilometers until they reached a park featuring a beautiful lake. They made it about halfway around the lake before Yotsuba came to an abrupt stop.

Y/N: "Yoba? You alright?"

Yotsuba was catching her breath while leaning over the railing, and looking out on to the lake as if in deep thought.

"Y/ mind if I ask something a bit deep?"

Y/N: "Uhh, sure? Go ahead."

She bent down to tie her shoes before taking a seat on a nearby bench. "Well...before I ask about what happened last night, I'm just curious...after we moved away five years ago, how did you handle it?"

"Hm? Me?" He asked in confusion, he wasn't expecting that.

"No, that goose over there." she retorted while pointing to a gaggle of geese on the lake. "Yes you, silly! We're the only two out here! Who else would I be talking to?" She giggled.

Y/N deadpanned. "Smartass..."

Yotsuba giggled. "Shishishishi"

Y/N sighed. "Honestly, it was not great. It took me quite some time to move on from everything that had happened. I mean, you girls lost your mom, but...her loss was really painful for me too...Hell, she was more like a mom to me than my own mom. Losing her was like losing my own. And then the next day, I lost my best friends. I lost Ichika, Nino, Muki, you...and Stars. That complex became the loneliest place in the world..." He sighed, reliving the painful memories.

"Hell, I didn't even want to watch tv or movies because Ichika wasn't there. I didn't want to cook anything because Nino wasn't there. I didn't want to play video games because Muki wasn't there. I didn't want to go running or work out because you weren't there. And I didn't want to....keep going...because Stars wasn't there. I had no one to turn to. Sure, Fuutarou may be like a brother to me, but he's not exactly the best person to go to when it comes to emotions, you know?"

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