Chapter 22

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"He's in jail" I nod at her words "four counts of assault, and obviously his manslaughter" she looks down by at the ground "she killed herself didn't she?" Mia asks softly at this point I'm crying I nod knowing my voice wouldn't work I look at Aubrey who is now also crying "she loved you don't think she didn't"
"But she couldn't live with the fact she had a rapist baby" she cries I nod "she gave you to them so she still could love you and see you, but shit happened and she did it" Mia comes over and hugs me "I told Karla I was staying with my friend for the weekend can I stay here?" I nod

"Hi Mia" Ken says looking at me as he puts down a pizza box, "hi Ken" she looks at me then to him "uh you eat I'll be right back" she nods and I start to walk upstairs knowing Ken was following me "She's going to be stay here for a little bit" I tell him and he nods "is everything ok?" I rub my arm "she just found out Ben and Karla aren't her parents and she doesn't want to be with Karla since Ben is out of town, once he's back she'll move all the way with him" he nods "oh ok yeah that's fine is she ok?" I shrug "she just found out that her mom killed herself after being forced to carry a rapists baby"

His eyes widen and he rubs his eyes "damn" I nod "when you said she had a hard life I didn't know it was that hard" i nod then sigh "I need

I look at Mia who sits on the bed "you'll be ok tonight?" I ask she looks up from her phone "I'll be fine" I walk in and sit on the bed with her "I'm just upstairs you can come wake me up if you need me, "I know love you"
"Love you" I kiss her forehead then go upstairs, Ken was asleep when I got upstairs I smile softly and crawl in next to him against his chest, "how are you feeling?" He asks softly "I'm ok" arms wrap around me and his hand rubs my belly "we have a doctors appointment next week on Tuesday at 3" I tell him "I know"

I get up when Ken's moving out of bed, I look over and see him pacing the room "you ok?" I ask rubbing my eyes "I just so much is going on, mom is dying, I'm worried about you, worried about Elaine, worried about Aubrey, now Mia" I sit up "come here" he turns and faces me, you could see that his eyes watering
He lays his head down on my belly and I rub his head feeling my shirt start to get wet, "Ken I know this isn't going to help your stress but uh I was raped by Mia's dad also" immediately he sits up "what?" I nod "I uh I needed to tell you obviously I just didn't know when or how I would, but uh I was pregnant also but I had overdosed before I found out I was pregnant and lost the baby" he shakes his head "oh my fuck" he rubs his eyes "you god Serena did Frank do something? At the wedding you just" I nod once again he's up walking around

"How didn't you tell Rachel let her get him out of your life" he yells softly and let the tears fall now fall "shit" he comes back to me I wrap my arms around him once more and lay my head on his chest "I'm so so sorry" he says "it happened a while ago just hard to face, Rachel she uh knows that Eli did that to us, but not Frank Taylor didn't want to tell her because she wanted Rachel to be happy for once but I think she did it because she knew she was dying and wouldn't have to see him"

"Serena I love you and you are so strong you've gone through hell and yet here you are" I nod feeling a softly kiss to my shoulder "just hold me please"
"I will" he says softly

The next day Ben came and got Mia they hugged and we all cried, as I opened up about what happened to me, Aubrey then opened up about her time, Ken got mad because it was his old friend that did it and he was never told, I then had to throw up and he came in climbing in bed with me, Mia and Ben came in to say bye not long after I then feel asleep


"Here is the heartbeat" the nurse hits something and it fills the room I smile "oh and there is the sex would you like to know it?"
"Yes" me and Ken say "it's a boy congratulations"

"You ok now?" Ken asks I nod wiping tears away "we are having a baby boy" I sob once more he rubs my back, starting the car "can we get Wendy's?" I ask he nods "of course" I smile "wait wait no I want soba" he laughs "ok" He puts his hand on my thigh as I look at the ultrasound picture "a baby boy"
I watch as Ken puts the picture in his wallet I smile taking a bite of my food he got me

"So what are you having?" Elaine asks me "we are telling everyone on thanksgiving" I say I can see her roll eyes even on the phone "screw you" I smile "well I'm going to be bring some clothes I got the baby some are pink some are blue that baby better wear them no matter"
I smile "baby will" I laugh


"Serena is having a boy" I tell mom and she raises her eyebrow "Serena? She's pregnant?" I nod "yeah" I show her the picture and she tears up "oh I'm having a grandson!" She smiles I nod "you are"
"What are you naming the baby?" She asks handing me the picture "phoenix Taylor Crawford" she nods

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