Chapter 9

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The three of us sit at the table, Carol showing me baby pictures of Serena who sits there her face covered, a car door shuts and the front door opens Serena leans over and her eyes widen and I see tears start to fall immediately as a little girl comes into her embrace

"Hey baby" Serena sobs I look at Carol "thats Mia my great granddaughter" I hear another car door shut and the door open once more a taller man walks in and looks at me "you are Ken?" He asks "Bennett be nice" Carol says to him "I was just asking Carol" he says walking over I stand and hold my hand out "I'm Ben nice to meet you"
"Ken but you knew that" we shake hands as sobs fill the room "baby you got to let go" Serena says Mia gets off her lap and Serena gets up walking around the corner the door opens and the sound of her getting sick fills the room, carol gets up and pushes Ben out of the way walking around the corner also Mia following

"Im fine I have a doctors appointment Monday" Serena says Mia sits next to her on the couch me on the other side "are you sure?" Carol asks "yes I'm fine, I need to take Ken back to his hotel so he can get ready" Serena says "ok we will be here" carol says

"I think Nana thinks I'm pregnant" Serena tells me as we park in the parking lot my eyes widen "if you are what would you do?" I ask she looks at me "I don't think I would be a good mom, I never really wanted kids"
I nod "can you get a test please? And I understand that you would want to have an abortion, we haven't been together long for one and two just because it may be my baby if you are pregnant it's still your body" Serena smiles softly

"Would you stay if I didn't get an abortion?" I nod "of course I would stay, I miss being a dad have kids run around my house in out, I miss the birthday parties that I would have and always take a cupcake to the face from Elaine" she lets out a laugh "I'll take a test tomorrow morning, If it's positive we can talk more" I nod leaning over and kissing her forehead "i don't want to make you feel like you have to keep it if you are pregnant it's your body and I don't want to control what you do" she smiles

"Go get ready I'll be back in about an hour" I nod then kiss her forehead


"Honey have you been having sex with Ken?" Nana asked I smile there was the question "I'm getting a test tomorrow he and I already talked about it a little you made me realize that I may be" she comes up behind me looking at the romper I'm wearing, it was black and had flowers on it, it looked like a dress  "he is your best friends dad yes?" I nod "I like Ken, I've be scared to do anything in a relationship since Taylor all those years ago, and after she died it's just Ken is treating me amazing without knowing about me"

Nana takes a deep breath "let me know what the test is" I nod turning and hugging her "I love you"
"I love you now how did this happen?" I smile and look at her "uh I had missed my pill a couple days in a row, he wore a condom but things happen" she nods placing her hand on my face "so you want this?"
"He told me it's ok if I get an abortion but he'll stay with me no matter what I do"
"That's a real man" she rubs my belly softly

"Hi Serena" I look and see Shay we stand outside the church,I hug I haven't seen her in a couple months while I'm not close with either her or her sister I'm close to her brother  "hey Shay" moving away to look at her, dressed in a tight red dress her blond hair put up and makeup done nicely "you look nice!" She says then looks behind me I turn and see Ken who is holding my phone I had forgotten in the car "who is this?" Shay eyes him

"This is my boyfriend Ken" I say as he hands me the phone "hi nice to meet you" he holds his hand out and she shakes it "I'm Shay" my phone dings and it's from Elaine, I called and she didn't answer I texted her but she was on the phone with Ken when I called that's why she didn't answer

Ken told me in the car that Elaine was screaming saying how happy she was over the fact that she may be a big sister, she couldn't care less the fact that I may be pregnant with her dads child

My dad about to make you a milf!-honeylover

I have to take a test you aren't mad?-me

Fuck no you about to be a milf a real milf! When you get married I'll have a hot step mom!-honeylover

"So what do you do?" Shay asks Ken as we walk into the church "I'm a teacher and football coach"
"Oh that's cool" Ken nods wrapping his arm around mine "we are going to sit next to Gram" I tell Shay "ok I'll see you at cocktail hour" she waves walking away, "are you and her close?" Ken asks softly "no she's a bitch" I say as Gram walks over to us and hugs Ken then me "wow you didn't hug me first" I cross my arms she laughs

"Oh shut it" she slaps at me I laugh and we got and sit down "I'm surprised they are getting married in a church" I say "oh I know and I guess the preacher from here likes to have threesomes with his wife and her assistant"Gran says
"I'm sorry what?" Ken asks we look at him god he was so hot he wore a black dress shirt and grey dress pants, his hair swept to the side nicely and his shaved so now he no longer has a stubble sadly

"Shh the wedding is starting" gram says as the door opens and the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down

Best friends dad (editing)Where stories live. Discover now