Chapter 1 Birthday

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They lifted him up on their shoulders. For miles he could see countless characters; Pikachu, Mortal kombat, Mario, Link, Evan, and many more. They praised him, chanting his name.

"All hail Kenma!  King of Video games! All hail Kenma! King of Video games! All hail Kenma! King of Video games!"

He relished in his glory. They were right. He was the king of Video games.

"Kenma! Kenma! Kenma! Kenma!" They continued to chant. But something felt off and everything began getting shaky.

"Kenma!" They shouted but it sounded different.

"Kenma!" Again. "Ugh fine you leave me no choice."

Who was that?

He tried looking around the fading crowd but before he could even form the basis of a guess, a bright light was shone upon him making him his and his under his covers.

The characters were gone and so was the chanting. He hadn't been on anyone's shoulders, he had been laying in his bed. It was all a dream. A wonderful dream he wanted to go back to. But an annoying rooster wouldn't let that happen. Peeking out from his covers, Kenma looked at the tall, tan man that was preparing a tray of food while humming. He hadn't the least bit of regret on his face for waking him so rudely. In fact, he looked rather smug.

Kenma glared at the man then looked at the tray he was preparing. He would only forgive him if there was apple pie on that tray, which he doubted. The man who woke him, his best friend, Tetsurou Kuroo, wasn't the kind to give him dessert for breakfast as he believed Kenma's health came first.

Glancing at the tray, Kenma's eyes widened in shock. He stood corrected. There was Apple pie on the plate. Right in the center where the main course went too. Had Kuroo gone mad?

"Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty." Kuroo teased as he walked the tray up to Kenma who was now in a full upright sitting position.

Kenma gave no response as he immediately dug into the Apple pie.  Tetsurou laughed. His laugh was like no other Kenma had heard and he had come to find comfort in it. It was a scratchy laugh that sounded like he was trying to catch his breath at the same time. It wasn't a pretty sound, more like cackling than a laugh. But it still showed signs of amusement.

Kenma smiled at his friend's amusement and continued eating till his fork colided with an object that didn't feel like pie. He looked at his food to find a piece of metal poking out of the food. Pulling it out he found it was a ring. A gold ring that bore the words 'Happy Birthday'.

"Happy 17 birthday!" Kuroo shouted and out of nowhere, Kenma's personal guards appeared, firing confetti cannons. 

Confetti flew everywhere which would prove to be a pain later in the day for Kuroo, but he was likely going to make the two who shot the confetti help him. The guards in question were a short copper male who went by the name Yaku Morisuke and a tall silver haired idiot named Lev Haiba.

Yaku was the same age as Tetsurou and an experience and well trained guard. Lev, on the other, was the opposite. He was younger than the Prince by a year and a rookie guard that didn't even know how to bow properly. However, he was a good person that was great at predicting an opponents moves. Yaku was paired up with him when Lev had first joined the guard so he could teach him the ropes. Yaku also lacked where Lev excelled and vice versa. It made them an excellent combo.

They fought a lot but right now they were getting along and smiling. As annoying as the surprise was, Kenma smiled. They were all good friends of his and he couldn't entirely be mad at them. Infact this would be your typical start to a perfect day. But that perfect day did not exist for Kenma. Not as a seventeen year old prince who would take throne in a year.

As any royal birthday, there was going to be a ball. One he wished he could cancel, but he could not. He didn't like people and therefore hated balls, especially when they centered around him. But this year he go to pick what kind and he chose masquerade. If everyone was wearing a mask no one would know who he was, so he could just sit in a corner and be ignored.

Again, he would rather it be cancelled but a reason it couldn't and wouldn't be was how many other kingdoms were coming. There would be Karasuno, Inarizaki, Shiratoizawa, Seijoh, Fukurodani and, rumor had it, Nohebi. Nohebi was the kingdom he would like to come the most. If they came, he and Kuroo might get to see their old friend again.

He knew that Kuroo hadn't given their old friend much thought over the years but nonetheless he knew he missed him. Although, Kenma didn't want to tell his friend because if the rumors were false, it would surely hurt him. There was also the fact that, even if they were true, Kuroo would be too busy making sure everything sailed smoothly to stop and chat. It was also banned for the servants to talk to the guests during a ball so he wouldn't be able to even if he wanted.

Kenma ate, thinking to himself, while Kuroo picked out his outfit for the day and the two guards began to rid the place of the confetti. Although, everyone knew there was no possible way to completely rid a place of confetti. After eating, he was scheduled to make final decisions for the ball, take some last minute lessons, pay a visit to the old ones of the kingdom, make more ball decisions, and then get ready for the party.

Lord, was it going to be a tiring day.

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