Chapter 2 Lessons

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Barely halfway through the day and Kenma already hated the current 24 hour long period. The party planning wasn't the issue. It was his damned classes. Particularly second to last.


First of all, he was terrible at it. Second, The teacher hated him. Three, his teacher was transphobic but was very subtle about it, especially around his parents, so she was never caught and fired. Finally, it was the only class Kuroo could not attend with him due to having a strict schedule that required he run errands at that time.

Kuroo also didn't need the lessons for all servants were banned from participating as a guest during royal gatherings and balls. This rule applied to all servants except the personal maid and butler of the King and Queen. However, if a maid or butler asked to be a part of a ball as a guest there was a chance to receive special permission from the Queen for them to do so. Many requested every time but only one or two ever got accepted.

To the Prince's knowledge, Tetsurou had never once requested to participate as a guest despite his obvious wish to go. Kenma had never questioned him about it to give his best friend some room but that didn't mean he didn't have theories.

His first thought was that Kuroo believed he had no right to mingle with royalty and nobles considering he was born into a terrible situation that he only got out of due to someone's pity.

The second idea that came to mind was a silly one at that, but it was the idea that he didn't know how to dance. That was a funny thought, Kuroo not knowing how to dance. The man that seemed so good at everything couldn't dance. That was something Kozume found funny.

His final suspicion for his butler's behavior was that he was scared to see his birth mom. Over the years the awful woman made a new family, and rose to a rank that allowed her to attend royal parties. All because her husband was a General of a couple squadrons.

That one seemed the least likely in his eyes as it's been years since Kuroo had ever seen his biological mom. So long, in fact, that when his father remarried, he took to calling the new woman 'Mom'  immediately.

He sincerely hoped the reason was the second one. It wasn't sad and it meant he wasn't alone in his dislike of dancing. Speaking of dancing, it was aw-

"Stop!"  Yelled a very angry dance instructor, interrupting Kenma's thoughts.

Kozume and his dance partner, a professional dancer from the kingdom that often performed in the streets and commonly known as Yamamoto, halted their dance as instructed. Yamamoto stopped flawlessly even though the waltz, which was what the prince was learning, wasn't usual style of dance. Kenma on the other hand failed to place his feet correctly and stepped on his poor partner's feet.

Two groans followed immediately after; one of pain, and one of disappointment. Kenma stepped back so he wasn't standing on the other man's feet while his instructor started talking.

"Again, Young Heir?" The lady pinched the bridge of her nose, "How many times must we go over this? Your movements must be in time with the music and when you stop you should end in a position similar to that of a ballet first position. Otherwise, you end up stepping on the other dancer's feet."

She motions to Yamamoto who's now sitting on the floor massaging his foot, not to lessen the pain for it looks as though it's gone already, but to loosen up his foot muscles. Many say it's something he often does before and after a dance.

"Even if you can't manage that, let the man take the lead and you can follow just as you were born to."

"I am the man." Kenma shot back. "If the man is supposed to lead then how am I to get through dancing if the lady I'm dancing with is to follow my lead?"

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