"Wah! What the... what are you doing!? Why are you changing in front of me!?" Issac shouted, though his volume was low, his face resembling a tomato. 

Noah chuckled at the sight of seeing the nanny blush like that right in front of him. He slipped on the grey t-shirt he was given and smirked at Issac. "Why are you blushing? It's not anything you haven't seen before right?" he teased. It'd been a while since any of the two had mentioned that night but now, it was just a night of which the two could tease each other about. However, due to the nanny's secret crush on Noah, the latter was usually the one who'd tease since he found it cute that Issac would blush every time he did so. 

The nanny bit his lip and shifted his attention to the family photo on the wall beside him. "J-just change.." He mumbled while also observing the photo. He liked it because Noah was actually smiling in it and his kids looked happy, too. It was very different from the picture on the man's bedside table which had Mia in it. Everyone in that picture looked serious, children included. It made Issac wonder what Mia was like. However, at the same time, he wished he never would have the pleasure of meeting her because he didn't want to see the face of the person who ruined Noah's life. 

A sigh escaped from his lips as he shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting impatiently for Noah to finish changing. "Can you stop staring at that photo, please? I don't like the way I look in it..." the nanny heard Noah say from the bed. Issac turned toward him, surprised to see he was just sitting there staring at him. 

"Why? You look cute," He remarked, turning back toward the picture. 

Noah stood from the bed and walked toward where Issac was standing to observe the picture alongside him. "Cute? Nah, I look weird..." The man said, running his finger along the photo frame. "I want a new family photo to put on my wall. Y'know... one where I don't look weird." 

The nanny smiled, staring at the Noah in the picture before turning back to the Noah beside him. The Noah beside him was cuter than the one in the picture but, either way, he was still adorable in Issac's eyes. "Well... you don't look weird. I mean, look at your smile. It's wide and genuine which isn't a kind of smile that people usually see on you. Kassie, Asher and Blake look cute, too. How old were they in this picture?" Issac asked, the smile remaining on his face. 

He turned toward Noah who was staring at him with an unreadable expression. The man smiled before turning back to the photo in front of him. "They were seven in it." 

"Huh" was Issac's only response as he also turned back to the photo and smiled to himself. He sighed happily before turning back to the bed. "Sorry for distracting you.. you're tired, right?" Noah flinched. The whole conversation regarding the family photo had woken him up and staring at the nanny's nice smile made him want to stay up, too. However, he felt that the nanny was most likely tired since he'd been in the house for so long so he didn't say anything. 

As they lay next to each other in the dark bedroom, they smiled at each other, the gesture barely being visible but they still saw it. 



It was morning and the sun was shining. It was sunnier in August, despite it being the last month of summer, than it was in July but nobody really paid attention to that anyway. The sky was a light blue and the moving clouds were prominent in the brightness. Everyone was awake, Noah's father included, and they were simply sitting downstairs in silence. Nobody exchanged words as they ate their breakfast in an unusual silence. Even Kassie, the usual person to begin a conversation, was silently eating which was odd. However, Issac nor Noah questioned it as the two cleaned the house together before the latter would have to head to work. 

Snowy July - on holdWhere stories live. Discover now