Chapter 5

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Creds to this picture (from idk but it's a user from Twitter so)
I'll change my writing style right now <3
I just had an idea but it wouldn't make sense to write it in this chapter so it'll be in the in the next chapter or in the end of this chapter hehe~

Aether POV:

[The same night let's just say 7:55 a.m]

Did i fell asleep?
Someone had their arm around my waist and stroke my hair gently.
I guess it was Xiao.
He let go of my head to let me look up.
Then i looked up to see his face, i felt my cheeks heat up and started blushing because of how i clinged onto him last night.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"
"Yea, i guess, did you sleep well?"
"Yes, i woke up an hour before you"
"It's not a competition, but I'm glad you slept well either!"
"But still I made you feel comfortable didn't I?"
"How mean!"

I just laughed about his answer as i went to my bag and looked for my phone.
But didn't found it, where the fuck did i put it?!
I literally searched everywhere after 25 minutes of searching, tears started to fall down my cheeks.
Since it was a gift from my mother and her stepsister.
It was everything I've had left from my mother.
I know that she died, she would've already answered me, definitely, her phone wouldn't just ran out of stamina that quickly!

"Is something wrong or why are you crying?"
"I-i'm fine!"
"But then tell me, what are you searching?, Just tell me I'll help you finding what you're searching!"
"D-do you know where I put my phone?"
"Let me think, I'm sorry to disappoint you but i don't know.."
"I-it's okay..."
"I don't think so, is it because you're worried about your mother?"
"...That's not the whole reason.. it actually was a gift from my mother and her stepsister...."
"I see, but isn't it a bit to soon to cry about not finding it, maybe someone from our group took it by accident, come we need to go to the meeting anyway, we can just report that"

I nodded and we headed to the meeting room.
We talked about random stuff, i really laughed about the stories he told me about his school life.
We were the first ones in the room, we sat on one of the tables that were in the room and watched some videos he saved on his phone since i didn't found mine.

After a while someone hugged me from behind.
When I looked at the person and wanted to scream but i could nearly hold it in.
It was weird and scary at the same time because it was Childe who glared at Xiao but he stopped glaring at Xiao and looked at me with a soft expression and kissed my forehead.

Xiao POV:

I glared at Childe as he kissed Aether's forehead and felt the urge to kill him.

But i kept my cool to not bother anyone.
After everyone was there we started a meeting.
Kazuha: 'so does anyone wants to go on patrol in the hallway in the second floor?'
Ayaka: 'i would do it since it's not outside tho'

I think i should patrol outside but i think it'll be dangerous 'ehh who cares anyway?... I'll defend myself when a Zombie gets close to me' i thought.
Kazuha: 'so someone who's wanting to go outside?'
Aether: 'will it be dangerous?.. if yes then i don't want to go unless I'm not alone just like the others..'
Kazuha: 'i-.. you won't be alone, you'll be teaming up with one of us just choose, who you think you'll get along with, since it's your first night patrol but i promise it won't be as dangerous as if you would go alone without any weapons!'

Aether looked at me with a worried look on his face.
Should I go with him?
Then he spoke with a kinda scared tone
Aether: 'do you want to go on patrol with me..'
I thought about it and how it would be like spending more time with him then i actually spend with him.
'i-it's okay if you decline, i wouldn't force you to do i-'
I cut him off with saying
'Aether, i would love to go on patrol with you!'
Only because you're scared being alone.
Now let's just wait until it's 12 a.m.

I went to my and Aether's room and looked for his phone.
Wait i have his number so I'll call him just to know where it is and when I found it I'll put it in his bag and pretend like it was there the whole time.
I called him and the noise came from my bag?..
Oh i see so someone wants to blame me for the thief if his phone but why?
Nah i don't care I'll just put it where it belongs to.

Author's Note

It's a short chapter because today's my birthday and i didn't post much because of exams i have to write even today I wrote one and yea, still hope you'll enjoy it. Tomorrow I'll have a project for 2 days and yea it'll be difficult for me to post a chapter but i promise when I'll have the summer holidays I'll post more then just 2 chapters a week<3
I really promise i swear, punish me if I'll break the promise heh

Okay okay, have a nice day~

I love you guys and thanks for the nearly 130 reads I guess?

Anyways I'll write a new story it's kinda related to my real school life, it'll be funny lmao

Oke I'll go now see ya soon

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