Chapter 4

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"it was......"

Xiao looked at me with a expression full of anger and a kind of worry.
Did i said something i shouldn't have said?

Did they do something to you?.. i really hate this bishes!!"

Oh.. i guess i shouldn't have said that.
He seems to them, i mean it's understandable of that reason he was about to destroy a whole city in Teyvat.
If he remembers it?
I wonder, maybe I should ask him about it!
But how should I, will i be standing there like a dumbass who got rejected after confession or what?

Aether: "do you remember that World called 'Teyvat'?

Xiao POV

So he does remember what happened?
Well then i found the person i thought who was too perfect for me.
Finally found him.

Xiao: "i do remember that i protected Liyue in Teyvat and liked a Traveler who came everyday to the Wangshu inn and visited me."

Aether: "Yaksha Xiao, is that yo-"

I hugged him.
He looked shocked but cried of happiness and returned my hug.
As he let me softly go.
I couldn't hold my smile back and looked at him with a light but beautiful smile.
Oh dear archons please let me see his smile once again!
Why did i pray to the archons?

Aether: "yay you remember me~!"

He smiled at me while saying that.
I could die just seeing him smiling like that.
Why does your smile fit so well with your beautiful untied hair?
He truly is an angel, i think everyone can agree to this.
Should I ask him about his journey through Teyvat?

Xiao: "how was your journey in Teyvat anyway?"

Aether: "difficult to say.. i liked it but at the same time i didn't liked it to see people getting hurt and i even saw people die.. it really gave me the urge to kill everything around me... Even Paimon, but naah i would just eat her, since she's emergency food. But i have to say that this journey was quite amusing, found new friends, got to try new food and tea, learned about the environment and got the honorary knight of Mondstadt and got the chance to meet you~ hehe."

Xiao: "i see, did you had fun, how's Paimon anyways?"

Aether: "it was funny and Paimon died while I was fighting against the abyss order and got killed by them too.."

Xiao: "WHAT?! Whyyyy? Isn't this unfair, it was the order of your sister right?"

Aether: "y-yeah.. i-it was.."

An awkward silence appeared after he said that.
It was so awkward that no one even dared to speak a word even if it's a short word.
We stared at each other's eyes and thought of different things.
Is it just me or why do I feel like somebody's watching us?

Aether jumped into my arms when we heard the door suddenly opened with a loud noise.
When I turned to see who opened it so violently.
It was Ayaka of course, who wouldn't it be..
I did expect her but not at this time since it literally was 5:30 a.m.
Wait did we just talked for like 2 hours?
Normally I'm not talking that much.

Ayaka: "what is this bitch still doing here, Xiao? Didn't i told you that he has to go, that he doesn't belong in here?!"

What does this bitch saying about Aether?

Xiao: "tha-"

Aether: "excuse me, I'm not a mirror."

He said that with a quite cold but still sweet tone.
She looks angry right now.

Ayaka: "at least I'm not as clingy as you! You lit-"

Aether: "you are that piece of shit, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm still not a mirror."

He looks kinda bothered by her.
I freed myself from Aether's grip and stood up.
I walked towards Ayaka who looked scared at me.
She shivered as i pushed her out of our room and closed the door in front of her face.
I went back to Aether who looked impressed and scared at the same time.
But soon as I lay down, he lies down next to me.

He put his head on my chest and his arms around my neck to cuddle with me.
Of course i let him cuddle me, i put one arm around his waist and the other one on his head to stroke his soft blond-golden hair.
He seemed to enjoy it and fell asleep.
I took my phone and changed Aether's name in my contact list (from Aether's name to
💕Beautiful Blondie💕).

Of course i put a blanket around us.
Wait i didn't do it..
How could I forget it?!
Am i stupid?
I could kill myself right now.
No, not in front of Aether and not to make Aether sad..

Author's Note
I know it's a short chapter but i didn't know how to continue this chapter and i decided to update it every Monday and Friday because i don't know lmao oke because i have the most time there tho
See you in the next chapter<3

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