Twenty One

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A knock on her door woke her. Well, it wasn't a knock on the door, but on the door frame. When she opened her eyes and rolled over Elle found that the door was already wide open and Kaye was standing in it, leaning against the frame with a stupid, self-satisfied smile on her face.

"Even heard of privacy, Kaye?" she said groggily.

Kaye shrugged.

"I knocked," she said.

Elle sat up in bed, scowling. She hadn't slept well. She'd had visions all night of that revolting grey hand suddenly appearing out of the darkness and grabbing her by the hair. A cold shudder went down her back just thinking about it.

Letty Gardener. She had to find out what had happened to Letty Gardener.

Her eyes went sideways, and narrowed. Kaye was still watching her from the door with that knowing look on her face.

"Did you want something?" Elle asked.

Kaye flicked an invisible speck of dust off the door frame.

"There's a boy at the front door for you," she said.

Elle threw her legs out of bed, staring defiantly at Kaye across the room. If it were Russell or Sellan she'd have said Russell or Sellan. There was only one person who would turn up on her doorstep and put that irritating smile on Kaye's lips.

"Tell him I'll be down in a minute," she said. "He can just wait outside."

"I'll bring him in, if you're going to be a while. He can have a cup of tea with me while he's waiting."

"No, Kaye." The last thing she needed was Kaye getting David to herself, asking him all kinds of awkward questions. "Just tell him to wait outside."

Kaye continued to watch her for a second before she shrugged.

"Suit yourself," she said, and she went out again, thumping heavily away down the stairs.

Elle was ready in less than five minutes. She raced down the stairs and found Kaye standing at the front door. David was outside. His face broke into a happy and relieved smile as Elle appeared.

"Morning, Elle," he said.

"I've just been talking to David about how you two met," Kaye said. She still had that infuriating grin on her face, like she was smirking at some private joke. "Elle, you never tell us anything."

"I don't see why you'd be interested," Elle said. Her voice was ringing with barely concealed irritation. She hated Kaye when she got like this - when she tried to feign this interest in her life. She always got the wrong end of the stick anyway.

"We're always interested when you make new friends, Elle."

Kaye's eye roamed over David, then back at Elle. Elle could see exactly what was happening in her mind. What does he see in you?

Elle rolled her eyes and said, "See you later, Kaye."

"Oh? Going out somewhere?" Kaye's voice had a slightly annoyed tone as she added, "I thought you were revising today?"

Elle did her best not to look guilty. She'd blown Kaye off for today, after all.

"We are revising. That's where we're going."

Kaye looked her over.

"Not taking your books with you?"

"We're - we're just going to use David's."

"I see." Kaye gave her a final unconvinced look, then said, "Well, I'll be free all day. If you do become available."

"Yeah. Thanks Kaye," Elle said, and to save herself from any further mortification she went out and pulled the front door shut.

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