Before the Fall

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A siren wails throughout the dead of night as a black SUV pulls up in front of small group of people who were all gathered around a figure lying in the street. Hank and Ana step out of their vehicle and instantly get to work.

"We need you to back off. This is a crime scene." The older man ordered, shooing all the bystanders away. "Back off, give us space."

"5021 Voight, on scene. Call is bona fide. We got one down." The brunette radioed as her husband crouched beside the body and checked for a pulse.

He looked back up at her and shook his head.

"Over here, somebody!" A man yelled before she could respond.

"Copy that, 5021 Voight."

Hank stood back up and the two Sergeants ran towards the voice.

"Hurry, please, please!" The man continued to yell.

"Over here. Over here, hurry!" A different man waved them over, pointing towards a little girl collapsed in the street.

Her father was the one yelling for help.

"Okay, sir. Hey, we're the police. Here. Let us take a look. Give us a little room." Hank requested and the man slid over a bit, giving the two some space to work.

"Hey. Hey, sweetheart, I'm gonna open your jacket, okay?" Ana explained, gently as the poor girl continued to gasp for breath. "I'm gonna try to help you, okay? Let's just take a look."

"Daddy." She whimpered.

The brunette moved her shirt out of the way revealing a bullet wound in her shoulder and, in the process, felt some air enter it when the girl breathed in.

"5021 Voight, we got a tender-age GSW. West side of the field house. Sucking chest wound." Ana radioed, immediately. "We need an ambulance and some cars here now."

"Copy that, 5021 Voight."

The brunette practically threw her radio down and quickly started applying pressure to the wound.

"Okay, sir, I need you to focus on me." Hank instructed, turning to the father who was full on sobbing at this point. "Listen. We gotta stop air from getting inside that wound, or the pressure's gonna collapse her lungs. Do you understand?" He asked, urgently, not recieving a response. "Sir, I need you to focus! Find me a piece of plastic." The man was too hysterical to say anything so the male Sergeant glanced up at the bystanders instead. "Help this man, go!"

The father finally stood up and backed away. Hank turned his attention back to his wife and placed his own hands over hers.

"We got you. Stay with us. That's it, just look at us. We're right here." Ana soothed as the girl let out a pained breath.

"That's it." The older man encouraged. "Try to breathe. Relax."

*A Little While Later*

The two Voights watched as an Ambulance sped off towards Med with the girl inside. They turned and began walking down the street just as Adam appeared on Ana's left.

"Any witnesses?" She inquired.

"A few. Including those members of the Rollin' Avers gang. Surprise, surprise, they didn't see a damn thing." The Officer muttered.

"Everybody in this park gets documented." Hank ordered, angrily. "Either a gang card or a contact card, understand?"

"Copy that." Adam nodded, splitting off to do so.

Meanwhile, the two Sergeants continued back towards the body they found when they had first arrived on scene.

"Hey, the Hell you going? You think that red tape's up so we can play limbo?" A white man with very short hair spoke up.

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