The Longest Night of Rain

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A/N This is another SVU Episode I'm including and, once again, if you'ge seen it then you already know why.

Without further ado, please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

*Nighttime: At a Club in New York*

Olivia shook off her rain soaked umbrella and placed it on a nearby table as she walked in with Ana at her side. The two sisters glanced at each other, jaws dropping in shock when they realized who was waiting for them a few feet away.

"Fin." The shorter woman grinned. "We didn't expect to see you at Tucker's retirement party."

"I'm here for you two, not him." Fin corrected.

"Oh." Olivia chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder and moving towards the bar where two more familar faces were standing. "Rollins, you brought reinforcements."

"Yeah, they let him out for an hour." She joked.

"Yeah, barely. Thank God I aged out of sleep." Dominick scoffed, giving the Captain a small side hug. "How you doing?"

"Thanks, guys." Olivia smiled.

"Yeah." Amanda nodded, catching Ana placing a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Thank you." The older woman murmured.

"Of course." The shorter gave the limb a small squeeze.

Olivia picked up a small wine glass and turned, finding Former IAB Captain Ed Tucker standing with a group of people a few feet away.

"Who's the- who's the woman with Tucker?" She wondered.

"You asking us?" Fin retorted.

"Yeah, we got you in the divorce." Dominick quipped.

"The bartender told me that's his, uh, that's his new wife." Amanda spoke up, crossing her arms. "She's a nurse. They eloped a month ago."

"Oh. Good for him." Olivia nodded.

A man Ana had never met before suddenly took the stage and began making a speech. The female Sergeant merely turned back to the bar and ordered a couple Tequila shots, knowing her small figure would be well hidden behind the rest of the SVU members. Fin appeared next to the short woman a few minutes later and gave her a smile which she returned with no hesistation. Dominick and Amanda appeared on either side of the two and the four proceed to enjoy some drinks for the time being.

The casual mood was broken, however, when a gunshot rang out through the air. Every cop in the club rushed outside, guns raised, finding a woman in the driver's seat of a car with a bullet wound in her chest.

"Uh, this is Captain Olivia Benson of SVU. 1013 from 169 and Broadway. Offduty P. O. shot. Rush a bus." She rushed out with her phone pressed to her ear.

*At the Hospital*

Amanda, Fin, and Ana all burst through a set of double doors, finding their Captain standing a few feet away.

"Liv?" The shorter woman called out, tentively.

Olivia turned around and all three felt their hearts plumet into their stomachs at the grim look on her face.

"She didn't make it." Amanda guessed as they all stopped in front of the older woman.

"She knew what she was doing. She shot herself through the heart." Olivia muttered.

"I'm sorry." Fin murmured while Ana gave her sister a quick hug.

She moved to step back but the taller woman refused to let go so the shorter merely turned around in her grip instead.

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