She collided with a figure as I was walking behind her, causing the books she'd been carrying to fall. I'd rushed to pick them up and then we locked eyes. Hers looked even better up close than when I'd been further from her. She was truly magnificent. She had the kind of beauty that was subtle but loud at the same time. I had never seen such a stunner in my many years of living.

I don't even think she saw me, not really. A lot was happening in that moment, I could see her mind was stuck elsewhere. Not to mention she'd been shivering from the cold winds. So I didn't let it bother me too much that she simply looked past me, mumbled a thank you under her scarves before she walked away.

That was the day I truly knew I'd fallen in love with her.

But what was I doing? I had a girlfriend whom I loved. I didn't want to be the man who did that, and I thought she deserved better.

So I never went to Trinity at all after that. It was around exam time so I had a pretty good excuse.
I never saw her again. Until I found her gawking at a wall in the eatery I was working at"

A tear stains my cheek as I listen to my husband tell a story I've never heard before. I remember my books falling and a kind stranger helping me pick them up. I don't remember who they were or what they looked like.

I was still pretty new at Cambridge at the time, having just buried my sister not long before. I was devastated.

But did he just make the other bits up? He honestly could've said we even went on a date and I probably wouldn't have remembered. I was truly lost.

He finally turns his face to me and my question is answered. He didn't make it up. Every word he spoke was true.

A long moment passes before,

"Isabella, how about you tell us the moment you knew you'd fallen in love with your husband."

I feel my heart anxiously beat against my chest. I don't think my story is as amazing as his was and I all of a sudden feel inadequate. What if it's not as romantic or as sweet? Does it even matter?

Olli, clearly seeing my nerves gives my hand a reassuring squeeze to let me know whatever it is, he'll love it.

I give him a shy smile. And then,

"We were at the same eatery he was working at and I'd just finished devouring his latest art-inspired sandwich. I don't even remember what we were talking about but I remember it was stupid, because that was just the thing with him and I, we were never not being stupid. And then I all of a sudden saw the time and remembered I was meeting Archie, my boyfriend at the time. And I remember he looked at me and said, 'you should get going, otherwise you'll be late.'
Very simple words really. But I hated them, I hated them with a passion. I wanted him to tell me to stay. I wanted him to tell me to break up with him. Archie was great but I would've done it without sparing a single thought. That's when I knew I had succumbed to my heart's deepest desire."

I let out a sigh after my reveal.

"I wanted to tell you so bad Bella. You have no idea. But I couldn't because that wouldn't have been fair. Not to Archie, not to Sophia, and most importantly, not to you."

We continue holding on to each other's hands and then turn our faces to Julia when she starts talking.

"That was beautiful. Both your versions. I look at the two of you and I see the love you have for each other. It runs deep, it's passionate and strong. A rare quality indeed.

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