"I have the antidote. Start talking, or I won't give it to you." She's lying. She only has the crossbow.

"Everything I know, huh? You must really hate me. Oh, well." I grinned, sitting on the edge of the fountain. "Where do I start...Oh! I know."


"The outside world is destroyed. Everyone's dead. You have nothing to live for."

The assassin stared at me in shock. "...What?"

I stayed silent, letting her process my words.

"...What...did you say?"

"Ugh. You people are dense. I said...the outside world is destroyed! Everyone's dead! You have nothing to live for! Do I need to speak slower for you? Do I need to repeat myself again?" 


"You wanted everything I know. I gave you what I know." Of course, I was lying. I knew that the outside world was fine and dandy, watching us so intently. I used to do the same. But to further the narrative that Team Danganronpa was pushing, I lied.

"You...you're lying!" She shouted. "There's no way the outside world is destroyed. That's...that's bullshit!"

"Oh, no. You can go look for yourself. Miu helped make these electrohammers, and you can use them to go through that underground tunnel. See the truth for yourself. But I'm pretty sure you know it's the truth. After all, no one's come for us. You saw the asteroids falling. It's not unreasonable."

"Shut up. I'm sick of you!" She pointed the crossbow at me once again. "Die, you piece of shit!"

I saw the arrow come towards me. The world seemed to slow. And all I could think was...


My love.

My dearest...

I'm sorry. I guess there's no escaping despair after all. No matter how hard I try to protect you, I'll never be able to keep you safe. 

"I love you, Kichi..." I muttered as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"Stop!" Kaito shouted. The idiot dove in front of me, protecting me from the arrow.


"Kaito, you idiot!" Maki shouted. "Stay here. I have to find the antidote!"

Kaito coughed as Maki left. He coughed, and coughed some more. I stared at him in curiosity as blood fell from his mouth.

"Of course..." I mumbled. "...the illness he mentioned..."

Kaito glanced at me. I stood up, walking over to him. 

"You're...you're sick, aren't you?"

"...H-How did you...know?" 

I smiled. "Kaito, you idiot. You big, lovable, insufferable idiot."


"You're ill. Even if you survive this, you won't live for long, will you?"


I chuckled. "I guess...this isn't the best ending for you, huh?"


I pulled out a pocketknife. I brought it with me, thinking that she'd probably choose a knife. I didn't expect a crossbow, but I guess this has more uses than one...

I giggled, stabbing him in the leg.

He let out a cry, possibly alerting Maki. I didn't care. 

"I don't expect this to end well for you." I whispered to him. "Shhhh...It'll be over soon."


I shushed him, giving him a hug. "You don't have to worry anymore. It's okay...it's all gonna be okay."

"...why...w-what are you trying...to do...?"

"Shhhhh...it's okay...you can let go now. It's really alright." I smiled, hoping to comfort the dying boy in my arms. He's gonna die. It's probably really scary. I'm merciful...not kind.

Slowly, I felt him slip away. Maybe it was unconsciousness. Maybe it was the poison. Either way, I set him down and stood up. I heard Maki approaching.

"...I'm sorry...you're too late."


She stood in shock, staring at the dead body of her friend. I took the bottle of antidote from her. She didn't stop me. She was in too much shock.

I drank the antidote, feeling the poison die down.

"He was sick. You didn't notice?"


"He had an illness. He started coughing up blood."

She slowly approached the body, cupping his face in her hands. 

"...You killed him, you know."

"...I...k-killed him?"

"It's really a shame...everything you try to do fails. Face it. You're a broken, sad human being. Twisted from years of abuse, you kill everything you love. A dying world around you. And you just killed your best friend. It's really sad."


"Ugh, suck it up! He's dead now! And you killed him! Pick yourself up, you pathetic worm! You're supposed to be an assassin! Get up." I walked over to her. "Get up!"


"You can mourn later. Hide the body. Hide the evidence. Do...something!" I glared at her, cynically. She looked up at me in disbelief. 

I hate it when the characters do that, I thought. You just carried out a murder. Pick yourself up. Finish it, or you're gonna get caught. 

I walked away, leaving her to it. I've got to heal myself. I've got another day to protect my beloved.

Author's note

Besties if you expected anything different, you're a fool. This is a Danganronpa fic. 

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