"You didn't? Well where'd you go?"

"I went to visit my parents"

"Oh..and it didn't go well?"

"Not at all..." Tears flooded my eyes once more as I stared at my hands rested in my lap "Long story short, we got into a huge argument, some hurtful things were said and I left. That's usually how our conversations go anyway so I have no idea why I'm so upset" My voice suddenly began to crack as I continued to talk which I tried so hard to fight

How badly did I not want him to see me like this yet here we were. The tears just kept rolling and rolling down as I covered my face with my hands embarrassed at my vulnerability.

"Arabella.." I heard his deep sigh before his arms wrapped around me. Deep down he's probably having regrets on getting himself involved with the baggage that I bring on. My soft tears transformed into sobs which I also couldn't control

I was hurt

No matter how hard and tough I would try to act towards my parents, they hurt me like no other person could. I have no idea why I even had the slightest thought of them maturing over the years. They couldn't change even if you begged them to

I wish my father would be a man and put his foot down instead of following his wife around like a her personal bitch.

As for the woman that brought me into this world, I stopped seeking her approval a long time ago. Even so, her words are still coated with thorns and it hurts each time she throws them at me. Who wouldn't want a healthy relationship with their parents? That's all I used to wish for but I now see we could never be normal

I always hated being comforted whenever I would cry, it simply just made me cry more but maybe it was imperative that I do so. For so long, I bottled up my emotions and held my hardships in, that I forgot how great it feels to have a reliable shoulder to lean on.

My heart smiled, as he would hold me tightly allowing me to release tears I've held in since the day I left LA

Nothing but the sound of my sniffles filled the room as he rubbed my back and planted small kisses at the top of my head.

"It's alright honey" He spoke softly pulling me in closer. Honestly, nothing was alright. In fact everything in my life right now was the complete opposite of alright but in this moment, it actually was alright.

As my crying eventually began to drastically come to an ease, I was suddenly snapped back into reality. Embarrassed at my sudden meltdown, I cover my face with my hands again standing up from the comfy bed

"Gosh, this is so embarrassing" I turn around causing my back to face him as I try to wipe as much moisture off my face as possible "I can't believe I just cried like a baby in front of you"

"No..." he suddenly grabbed my wrist turning me around to face him "You cried like an adult who is going through some serious hardships and that's okay. It's not embarrassing to feel these things and react to them. You're human Bella."

"Yeah but still...I didn't mean to burst in tears all of a sudden and bother you with my problems. You already have enough to stress about and I shouldn't add on to that with my baggage"

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