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On where was the Celebs Sea. The aircraft carrier SMN Manila, accompanied by one cruiser and two destroyers, travels through the sea with there course to one of the land on this "New World" and meet the inhabitants there. Inside the bridge of the SMN Manila aircraft carrier, everyone keeps a cautious stance for any dragons that appear on the skies. One of the sightings of all the aircrafts during reconnaissance as well as the changes of the landmass.

Admiral Pärcheng gazes out at the blue sea and sigh as he still feels tired from the sudden turn of events that they did not have enough time to process. And now all they can do is push forward and just go with what they can only see.

"One unidentified ship spotted at twelve kilometers. Presumably a fishing ship." The radar operator reports.

"Get one drone up and scout the ship. Continue cruising until it had spotted us were we will stop to ask some questions." The Admiral orders as his crew gets to work.

Outside on the runway deck, a RUA-19C. A carrier based stealth reconnaissance drone that can also be used for aerial refueling but is used mostly for search and rescues with its fuselage being big enough for a fuel capacity to last airborne for 42 hours and have a speed of 512 KMPH. Its wings now being unfolded and its jet firing up. It starts to move slowly through the runway until it quickly takes up speed and after a few seconds lift off to the sky.

Sinishi rests on the wooden floor with Corni now taking his place on a lookout of any sea monsters or ships with the other three, one inside with the manacom and two playing cards.

Both have been talking about the recent events of 'black arrows' that had appeared in the North East Sea and just circled Maihark for about an hour until just leaving. It was described as in the name. Black arrows that are too fast for any wyvern to catch up, fly higher than any dragon could ever dream of, and move around like a arrow guided by the wind god herself. But what confused them is not only did it just circled around maihark, but also appear in the North East Sea or where they are at now, where there is nothing around but just krakens and massive whales that could swallow any ship whole. And with everyone on Maihark in that day also having the same stories just makes sure that it didnt came out of someone just stirring some mythos around.

Both thought that it may be one of Parpaldias new aircrafts but it was said to be shaped like an arrow and not a T, and it being too fast and high for any dragon also dosent fit since a wyvern overlord could get at the same speed, and it could also not even reach the clouds which is how the arrows had left. And why would Parpaldia even fly around Maihark and somehow not be spotted by them or any of the other ships scattered around the North East Sea.

As both continue with there conversation. Corni looks up the sky to see some sort white dot just circling above them. He just brushes it off as some bird as they both continued there conversation. Now talking about the Qua-Lourian Fleet and with Mu's position on Quila slipping, it is certainly to prepare for Quila's invasion. But there conversation would be halted when Corni notices something appear on the sea as he looks at it through his spyglass.

"Sinishi, you might want to see this." He says handing over the spyglass to Sinishi as he stands up and then looks through the circular glass. What he sees is some sort of grey vessel with no mast, a flat deck, and a massive rectangle on its side on it that is heading towards them. Perplexed to what it is. Corni calls for the other two inside the ship as a human and a dwarf with visible annoyance on there face, arrive on the deck and notice the approaching vessel over the horizon.

Sinishi then orders Hirnet, the human to report it to the manacom and then Gorben, the dwarf to get some sort of weapon, both nod there heads and return back inside. Corni then gets to the helm and hoists the sail, also noting that the bird that was circling them had left. Sinishi continues to peer through the spyglass as three more smaller grey ships had appeared.

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