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  Cross's eyes slowly opened, he rubbed his eyes (the ones he doesn't have) and hugged something warm. He looks around slowly, he was in a dark mossy room he could see patches of grass everywhere in the room and on the walls were mushrooms and moss and somehow a giant hollowed out tree was right next to him, inside the tree was a jar of flies.

   (The room this is my first time drawing rooms so it doesn't look like a real room)   "Ah," A voice creeped out from the shadows, "You are awake

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(The room this is my first time drawing rooms so it doesn't look like a real room)
   "Ah," A voice creeped out from the shadows, "You are awake."
Cross could only grumble. He felt too relaxed and comfy. But then he realized, he didn't know where he was, nor does he know who he and the voice was! What is happening?! Cross sprang up from his bed. He was now sitting down on the bed instead of laying down. He screamed "Who are you?! Wait" —he paused for a second— "Who am I?!"
"I'm not so sure either kid!" The voice's owner chuckled as he came out of the shadows and he was revealed to be a giant goat like person "You fell from the sky and into my fruit trees! Since then I have been taking care of you... How long has it been?" The goat man pulled went over the the cabinet, and pulled out some papers.
"...What's that?" Cross asked still a bit sleepy and freaked out
"A calendar," the goat man scanned the calendar "Hmm oh golly' says here you fell into my trees....nearly a moon ago." He scribbled on the calendar.
"What does that mean??"
"You've been sleeping for 26 days"
Cross blinked in shock. This was alot. He doesn't know who he was, and he was asleep for 26 whole days??????
"Well, at least you remember numbers. Do you actually not remember whom you were?" The old man asked
"We need to get you back to where you came from. Your family must be worried!"
"Yeah, my family..." Cross tried to think about who his family might be, but all he remembered was a tall figure "if only i had a clue to who i was before...hm..."
"Well, when you first fell out of the sky, you were wearing a jacket! Well, I had to take the jacket off you since it was too ripped....with magic of course...! But anything you remember from these?" He pulls out a big dirtied greyish-white fur jacket that had a lot of strings that forms a X shape in the middle, "You had some pretty weird fashion tastes kid..."
I stared at the weird jacket, I wore that???? It looks...bad... "I don't remember that," Cross blushed "It looks embarrassing, like wearing a walking X!"
"Well at least you remember the alphabet too," The old man smiled, "That's a start!"
Cross looks down to what he was wearing now, it was just a black turtleneck and some shorts with some X on both sides...the shorts looked quite ugly to be honest....did he have a thing with X's?!
"Do you think i can stay here for a few more days? Maybe eventually I'll remember where i came from and then i can go back home."
"Stay as long as you want kid" The old man grinned "It's been quite quiet. I haven't been to town in a while. Do you want some tea?"
"That would be nice actually..." Cross sighed
The old man left the room to prepare some tea. Cross looked down, what was he going to do when he returns to his family and he was a whole different person? Have they even looked for him? Would they even accept him? Did he even have any family? He shook his head. He went over to a window and looked outside.

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