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No one's pov..

*CLASH* Number 1 AKA "Nigel Uno" was sleeping in his room. Tonight is the night where all of the KND members are put on lockdown. Usually on these types of lockdowns you don't really get to sleep all that much, mainly because you have to check the monitors in order to see if there are any intruders. But after the fight with the delightful children there was absolutely no point in staying up all why not bend the rules a little for this one night?

As the agent's slept through out the night Nigel was somehow the only one who was awoken by the mysterious sound.  In response he sat up and rubbed his forehead in response. " Ugh, what is it now?," he angrily asked. "CLASH" As the noise ranged through his ears again he started to become suspicious." Now who on earth is that?," he silently asked himself, rubbing his head in response. As the sounds of clicking and clanging continued he slowly looked over his side to his monito, checking to see if there was any intruders. Just by looking at it the monitor told him immediately that there was an intruder. Nigel's eyebrow raised in response. " How? Impossible....we've checked every working monitor, the back door, the front door, the side door, the other side door, and the double side door and there was no one there," he said, looking at the monitor. " This must be some malfunction that Hoagie hasn't finished up yet," he said, putting the monitor back on his nearby nightstand. " I would wake him up but it's already to late for that," he said, brushing it off. As he laid back down and went back to sleep he was once awaken by footsteps running through the halls, waking number 1 back up from his slumber.

Now he was really suspicious. There was absolutely no way any of his agent's would be up this late at night....someone must have really broken into their lab...but who? In response Nigel  got out of his bed, becoming even more alarmed with every step. As the sounds continued he started to make very small baby steps. Every agent knew before they were pronounced in their sectors and were given a number this was apart of their training. Every saturday night the kids would tell their parents that they were going to their best friends sleepover. And since their parents were very gualable....well....mostly busy with their "shivers" adult stuff and they would let their kids have more than permission to go to their best friends sleepover, and what better way to spend some time outside your house than to spend some time with your best friends.?

During those night classes  number 1 wasn't technically  the best when it came to those terms. He was very good at his job, yes...but he wasn't nearly as good as the top deputy like number 365. Now that kid was amazing, sneaking up late at night, taking  really small and unnoticeable baby steps. He even go to sneak into the kitchen and steal three FULLY sized jars of cookies without even waking up his parents. During those times it was more than a accomplishment, it was gaining respect. Because due to number 365 stealing those jars he had his name written in the KND hall of fame. Oh it would be the best day of Nigel's kid life if he ever  just had this one chance at proving that he had the guts. But since nearly all of the non-spoken achievements were discovered there was nothing for Nigel TO achieve...except being KND number 1, the leader of sector V.

Even though Nigel could be disappointed in today's past events he actually doesn't really pay mind to it anymore. The KND representation of their hall of fame hasn't had a new face on their walls for centuries. And since all of the achiever's became....."SHIVERS"  teenagers that means that all of the task, including achievements has already been discovered, so there IS nothing else for them to achieve let alone ever have a chance to be apart of the KND hall of fame. And along with today's missions everything has already been discovered.

Nigel shook his head to the sound of the metal clanging again. Now number 1 knew he didn't have time to just stand there and stay in lala land all day. If whoever is in the base will be ceased, taken to number 86 and will be decommissioned....even if they are typically NOT apart of the KND. The clanging noises continued until it suddenly stopped. The eerie silence caused shivers to go down his spine a little. He wasn't no no no no...he's number 1 of sector V, he's never afraid to take down ANYBODY! not even himself. As sweat slowly ran down his forehead he reached for the doorknob. Just by feeling the knob he started to shiver even more in response. He didn't know what it was but the feeling of telling himself to turn around and run away was just getting into his head, and the feeling was becoming stronger every second.

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