"Yeah, yeah."

"Lisa Abbott's brother told her Hufflepuff usually provides weed," Viraj announced. "He graduated last year. And I think he also said it was Ravenclaw's turn to bring the booze."

"So that leaves decorations for Gryffindor?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, decorations and some kind of trinket for everyone. Last year they transfigured a bunch of stones into Hogwarts crests - Bertie Hauser was wicked good in that class, McGonagall still won't shut up about him."

"We're quite handy in Transfiguration, we'll figure something out," Peter nodded, the wheels already turning in his head as he let his imagination wander toward something they could easily make for the other students. 

"Can you ladies figure out decorations?" James asked. 

"Why, cause we're girls?" Dorcas crossed her arms, raising a brow. 

"I've seen your marks in Transfiguration, Dorcas," Sirius teased. "And Marls, too. I don't think either of you would fancy transfiguring a bunch of stones into something. Besides, you're on the team - you won't have to do anything." 

"He's got a point," Marlene whispered, though not very quietly. 

"So it's settled, then! Hufflepuff with weed, Revenclaw with alcohol, and Gryffindor with everything else. Neoma, you'll be a Gryffindor for the day."

"Oh goodie," Neoma glanced at the red and gold robes, wrinkling her nose. 

"I think you'd look quite good in Gryffindor colours," Remus commented as he watched her eye James's robes with distaste.

"Keep it in your pants, Moony!" Sirius wore a shit-eating grin, making Remus turn an awkward shade of red as he chucked a quaffle toward Sirius's abdomen. "I - I didn't mean it like that," he stuttered. "Fuck off, Pads."

"Such strange nicknames," Neoma tutted, trying desperately to keep the colour of her cheeks in check. 

The group of red, yellow, blue, and green continued talking for about ten minutes, ironing out all of the details before they started to head their separate ways. The Gryffindors (plus Neoma) stuck around, now sitting together on the freshly-cut grass.

"Can you guys believe we're almost done?" Alice asked, leaning her chin into her knees. "Time flew by."

"You'll finally get to be with Frank now," Lily teased, resting her head on James's shoulder. 

"How is ole' Frankie boy?" James questioned, twirling a piece of Lily's fiery red hair around his pointer finger.

"He's good," Alice blushed, picking at the grass awkwardly. "He'll officially be an auror this August."

"Are you still thinking of becoming one as well?" Marlene collapsed into Dorcas's lap.  

"I heard they're only training aurors for a year and a half instead of three starting September," Sirius glanced over toward the girl. "'Cause of the war and all."

The group fell silent for a moment, reminded of what waited for them once they graduated. Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice still had no clue about Dumbledore's organization, but the others did. They wouldn't get to train to be aurors - they would be going directly into the fight. 

"Well I want to be a painter," Marlene announced, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Of course you do," Dorcas smiled, pinching Marlene's cheek who smacked her hand away. 


Narcissa glanced at Neoma through the mirror as she braided a green ribbon into her hair, sighing lightly. The two were barely on speaking terms, and it was borderline painful to still have to share a room with her.

Corrupted Souls | remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now