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The purple fog spread across the world, killing millions and creating a new breed of supernatural creatures. Mutants.

The were named the Violets. They were humanoid creatures who were born from the ashes of Brigitte. Wind blew the ashes across the world and once people inhaled them they became grotesque purple monsters with black thorns growing from their skin. Their teeth became razor sharp and their eyes were replaced by small lilac flowers.

They hunted supernaturals for food and killed humans for fun. The monsters terorized the world until a new organization emerged that finally hunted them all down.

The Salem council, lead by a woman who went by Morningstar and wore a white suit of armor, her face was always covered with a red mask.

She took over control in the world and started a new era. Using a spell she erased all memory of the supernaturals from the minds of all humans left.

Things such as vampires and witches became only stories to scare children, or characters in a horror novel.

She also created a barrier between the human world and the supernatural world. In their world the purple fog was still present, but the new generations were imune to it.

The new world was split into six islands. The island of witches, the island of the Fair folk, the island of shifters, the island of vampires, the island of ghosts and the demon island. The demon island was off limits and abanoned. It stood as a reminder of what happened, the fog was so thick there nothing could be seen from any of the other islands.

There was also a smaller island in the middle, serving as a square for all of the important gatherings and public speeches. One of those was being held as Aleksei made his way through the crowd. His face was covered with a cloth so only his eyes were visible, his head held down. Behind him was Trottler, his hood up and following his master faithfully.

"Welcome, all of you who suffered because of this horrible tragedy that struck our world. We gathered here to finish this era of great misfortune. In these hard times we went through, our supposedly great king was sitting in the comfort of his new castle and doing nothing. He let us fight tooth and nail to barely survive. This is your proof, he is no king. He doesn't deserve your respect. He left us all to die. He is also the reason that the Violets showed up in the first place. He is the one who killed our most powerful witch, who contained the curse in her body to protect us. Once he killed her because of the crown, he released the curse into the world. Even now he dwells inside that castle, doing nothing to help any of you,any of us." Morningstar continued with her dramatic speech.

The thing was, most people were still loyal to their king, most of them knew what happened thanks to those who survived the horrible day and told the real story.

Once she realised that, Morningstar and her soldiers, the Silencers, killed everyone who openly supported the king. Aleksei didn't want his people to die like that so he spread the word though the underworld and the black market for his followers to stay low and not attract attention.

Back on the demon island he sheltered those hunted by the Silencers and others, like orphans and the poor, there was a lot of those.

The reason he was in town that specific day is that he got word of a child with special abilities being targeted by Morningstar.

The Salem council was involved in many things, one of which was being involved in an experiment with the blood of a fallen angel. The blood ended up being secretly injected into five newbrons, one on each island.

It resulted in the children having an overwhelming amout of power, so great Morningstar started fearing her own creation and ordered them killed.

Aleksei heared of it from one of his followers who was working undercover as a Silencer and went to rescue the kids. He had four of them on the island, and he staged their deaths so Morningstar would stop hunting them.

The boy he was looking for that day was the last of the five. From what Aleksei knew, the boy was an orphan who originated from the Island of witches and he could control all the elements by the age of eight. His name was Alexander.

After searching through several dirty and dangerous streets they found him, fighting off a group of Silencers all on his own. He could've even won if it wasn't for the infected wound reaching from his shoulder all the way down to the bottom of his back. It was made by a sword.

Aleksei easily defeated the Silencers but the boy back away from him, taking a fighting stance. He was barely twelve and yet he looked like a soldier.

"I have no intention of hurting you." Aleksei told him and pulled down the cloth covering his face and his hood. "I came to take you somewhere safe, where you won't be in danger anymore. You will have everything you could possibly need. I promise." he explained.

"You're the king." the boy said, he knew it because Aleksei's face was plastered all over every wall in every city, a heafty price on his head.

"Yes, I am the demon king." Aleksei confirmed.

"Why would I trust you?" Alexander asked, he learned one thing in his short life, and it was that trust needs to be earned.

"I will admit, you have no reason to and I can't exactly offer you any at the moment but I think anything is better then living on the streets and always being on the run, isn't it?" Aleksei questioned.

Alexander thought for a moment, he remembered one thing about his parents, and it was that they always stayed loyal to the king, so he decided to trust him. After all, the demon was right, he didn't exactly have much to lose.

He just nodded his head and the king opened a portal in front of them. A portal to the demon island. They stepped into it, followed by the king's servant, and walked into a room in the new demon castle.

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