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Emilia was ten when her mother died.

She was living with her father who just wanted her to be married off to clear some debt and was hungry for power.

Now she was wedded to Christopher Jones, the most handsome, well wealthy person and the know it all person, who has blue eyes, muscular arms and women love him and claim him to be the best....in bed.

After hearing all this Emilia didn't have any hopes of her marriage, though she wanted in fact had yearned for a good partner for quite some years now, for love...

What is love?

We all have different opinions on it, but as she experiences this horrid scene before her, it won't be possible for her to forget this...ever.

The door opened

A pale girl was sitting in the room all alone,

For her husband was having his time with another on their matrimonial bed,

having fun, enjoying his time with another woman

even after getting married

what did she expect?

Suddenly the voices stopped,

the door creaked open...



Thankyou for bearing with be i sincerely hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Yours truly

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