Daddy's Little Prince

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Daddy's Little Prince.

Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk. The Daddy.
CEO Darvid Black Sapphire. Clubs. Resorts and Restaurants all over the world.
Multi Billionaire.
35 years old.
Heartless. Cold. Stoic. But soft for his Baby.

Mew Suppassit. The Little Prince
20 years as Physocal Age but a 5 years old Baby by brains.
Cant get out of his little subspace due to worst childhood.
Adopted by Tae for last 10 years and since then he never let anyone hurt Mew.
Pampered and spoiled by Tae and his friends but never misbehaving. Understanding. And very sweet.

Sharp and intelligent. Loves cartoon and animations and very quick observation skills.

"Hello Thanitt. Hey Gulf. Where is Mew"? Tae entered his Mansion and saw Thanitt and Gulf sitting in the lounge watching TV.

"Oh hi. Well, he played all day long, swimming in the pool and he was tired after enjoying his dinner". Thanitt told him gulping the last of the beer from the can.

"Did he disturb you"? Tae asked pulling off his blazer and tie.

"Not at all Tae. He is such a sweetheart. But seems like you are not giving him time. He was sad today. Didnt ask even for his disney movies or his favorite snacks". This time Gulf spoke.

Tae caressed his forehead. He knew Gulf was right. Not that he or Thanitt mind spending time with Mew, but they had their own work too. And ofcourse Tae couldn't leave Mew to them all the time.

"I know i know. Business meetings and expanding it all is taking all my time. Especially since Max helped me restore all Mew's property and merging it is tiring". Tae told all. "I know i have been calling you guys so much but...".

"Shut up dumbo.". Thanitt smacked his arm. "We are not complaining. Mew is like our own baby boy. We love him. And you can always rely on us. But he miss you Tae. Me or Gulf, or anyone, cannot fill in your place.

Even today, he was murmuring Daddy Daddy in his sleep. Am afraid he might have cried himself to sleep". Thanitt said in a low voice.

Tae snapped his head toward Thanitt with horrific expressions. Gulf patted his shoulder before signalling Thanitt to leave. It was late anyway.

Tae went to his bedroom to change before he marched towards Mew's bedroom. The night lamps were on, shadowing his ceiling with stars and moons. The room was neat and clean. In blues, purples and greens.

All his favorite toys were arranged in the basket in one corner. The plushie teddys were sitting in another corner.

Mew's favorite dino was placed on the bed as Mew would love to sleep with Dino while listening to his favorite audio stories.

Tae saw the bluetooth earpiece still plugged into his ears, as Mew was sleeping sound. Tae pulled out the earpieces to listen to what story he was listening to, but he quickly turned to see Mew's face in close, and sighed to see his puffed eyes and tears strained cheeks.

Instead of any story, Mew had been listening to the soothing voice notes of Tae that he sent him while in office.

"Am so sorry baby. Daddy is sorry". Tae sat on the bed beside him, kissing his forehead with love and guilt. He knew Mew must be missing him so much for so many days.

He was aware of the longing in his eyes whenever Tae would open the door for Thanitt and Gulf to spend time with Mew. Mew didnt mind it, but ofcourse he would miss Tae so much.

Tae sent a quick message to his assistant to cancel all his meetings for two days. He wanted to make it up for the week he didnt spent with Mew. He wanted to see his eyes glittering again. He wanted to listen to his giggles again. And this was the least he could do for his baby boy to cancel all his work.

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