Sugar Candy

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Sugar Candy.

Tae Darvid. A businessman. A ruthless, cold to his employees and partners. But a softie and loner.

Mew Suppassit. Orphan. Student in Engineering in a Prestigious University on Full Scholarship. Needs Money to live for basics.


Mew placed his bag on the lunch table and slumped on the bench. His friends looked at him and sighed. Even without saying a word they all could see Mew was really tense and sad. They all looked at each other before Thanitt turned to Mew. He spread his arm over Mew's shoulder and pulled him close. It was his way of caring. Not a single word, but a shoulder to lean on.

Mew let himself pulled in the warm embrace. He was just tired. He wanted to rest. He wanted to breathe in relief. But he couldnt. His life didnt allow him to spend even a single moment of calm. His friends knew him since he was enrolled in high school. Thanitt. Max. Tul. And Tee.

They all came from a well healthy background and Mew, he was an orphan since birth. But he never let his poverty overcome his dreams. He was an intelligent and hardworking student, earning scholarships all the way.

He started working for part time jobs since he was a teenager. And he was never ashamed of it. And so were his friends. They always supported him, not to hurt his selfrespect but gifting him things that he might need. And he knew it. And he was grateful to them.

He rented a single room dorm. Cheap but comfortable for him. And things were kind of settled lately but... The moment he thought he could sigh in relief, the cruel life strangled his nerves again. He was enduring the pain for days and his friends knew. And finally he broke down today..

Not that he was crying, but he was emotionally drained.

"The landlady asked me to quit the room by the end of this month. And i dont have any savings or part time jobs due to busy study schedule. And i am totally broken". He told all still leaning into Thanitt's warm embrace.

His friends felt so bad for him. They could help him financially for the time being but until when? And knowing Mew, he wont let them burden over his struggles.

They were still discussing about what to do? They had few options to work but the pay was too less to meet his needs.

"Uhmmm. Mew... Listen". They all turned to Tee who was kind of reluctant in saying something. Tul end the call that he was trying to contact his friend who said he needs a helper in his bookstore.

"Hmmm"? Mew was playing with the food in the plate.

"My cousin has arrived from London, not a month ago. He is a CEO in automobiles. His own company. He.. Uhm.... He called me fee days back that he needs a reliable person to live with him". He fell silent.

Mew was looking at him with attention, though he still had not get what he meant. "So"??? He raised his eyebrows. "Whats with living with him? I mean what do i have to do"?

"Umm. You will be required to stay with him at his place, accompany him to his family or company gatherings. The pay is good. You wont need to worry about rent or part time jobs, or food. He told me he would manage all expensis and a handsome pocketmoney and accompanying him would give you plus". He told all holding the chilled drink in his hands to cover his nervousness.

"Wait... Does it means he needs Mew as his escort"? Max said as the realisation hit him.

"Sugar candy he calls. Or Sugar baby". Tee said biting his lips. Everyone turned to him with unexpecting eyes and then to Mew. His mouth was open wide, his eyes open fully. He gulped trying to digest what Tee said. Thanitt looked at him with sympathy and tapped his shoulder.

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