Start from the beginning

Leo: Phoebe...

Phoebe: What? We've had a great year, we've wiped out a tonne of nasties. I just wanna know if we've tripped some supernatural alarm or anything. Owie! And are we ever gonna learn what it really means?

Leo: Well, not to sound all whitelightery but everything happens in its own time. You can't rush what's to be.

Piper: Okay, how about what already is. Dan is back in town.

Leo: So?

Piper: So what am I gonna tell him? The last time I saw him he handed me proof that you were killed in 1942. He's gonna expect a reaction from me.

Phoebe: How about "Hey Dan, you're right, I am a necrophiliac."

Piper: Phoebe.

Phoebe: Ow! Why does everyone always Phoebe me?

(Prue walks in.)

Prue: Hey.

Piper: Where are you off to?

Prue: Lunch date with Dick. But its for the magazine I have to try and get him to agree to a photo shoot for his company and with Andy still out of town I agreed to do it

Piper: You look like you're off to the inquisition.

Prue: It's not that bad.

Piper: Okay, I have to go open the club. Are you gonna be alright, Pheebs? (Piper stands up.)

Phoebe: Yes. (Leo helps Phoebe up.) Thanks Leo. I'm gonna take a walk and try to loosen up my ankle. (They walk into the foyer and open the door. There is a box sitting on the doorstep. Prue picks it up.) What is that?

Prue: I don't know. (Prue opens the lid.)

Piper: Somebody got a secret admirer?

(Piper takes a bottle out of the box.)

Phoebe: Eww, it's so dusty. Who would send us something so dusty?

(Phoebe rubs the bottle, the lid flies off and the genie appears.)

Genie: Your wish is my command.

(They stand there in awe.)

Opening Credits

[Scene: Manor. Living room. Everyone's there including the Genie.]

Phoebe: I don't get it. You've been stuck in that bottle for 200 years, someone finally sends you to us and you have no idea who licked the stamp? I kinda find that hard to believe.

Prue: What, and a genie man standing in our living room wearing that offering to each grant a wish isn't?

Genie: Well, I don't get it. You win the lotto and you're asking for explanations?

Piper: Actually, we'd just like to know who to send the thank-you note to.

Genie: All I know is that you rubbed and now I serve. Oh, look at that. Mmm. Snacks. (He walks over to the table and picks up a peanut.) What I wouldn't give to taste food just once. Smell it even.

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