First floor

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"Rachel, wait!"  Bam said screaming as he ran after her.  "Rachel, don't leave my brother. at least take us with you," said Renie, panting. 

"I'm sorry, but I can't stand it any more Renie Bam. I want to see the stars and the sky. I'm already tired of this  darkness," Rachel said as she is still running. 

Even though Renie  knew that Rachel wouldn't stop, she wanted to help Bam, even just a little bit, because she didn't want to be alone in the darkness again.  But her thoughts are interrupted when Bam grabs Rachel's belt and knocks her to the ground,

"Where are you going?!"  Bam said while panting.  "I have already told you Bam I'm going to see the stars. I have to go Bam," Rachel said while touching Bam's cheeks.  Then she began to fade away, while  smiling,

"No! Don't go. Don't leave me alone," Bam said in a helpless voice.  When Bam said don't leave me alone, Renie felt sad that he ignored her presence. 

"Rin, I..... I want..... to catch up with Rachel, she's....... the only light in my life," Renie knew Bam would say, and she couldn't do anything but smile sadly. 

"Brother, if you want to catch her, I'll help you. But please don't say you're alone without her because I'm here," said Renie,while looking down.  “Yeah, I missed that part I am sorry...... Rin, you are one of the important people to me. and my dear sister ” Bam said in a calm voice.  Although Bam was honest, but
Renie did not believe him, she still believed that Bam only cared about Rachel, but with that she smiled at him,

"I'm glad you think like that brother."  Bam looked at the door of the tower.  "Give me your hand, Renie." He held out his hand to Renie, and Rene took his hand.  "We'll catch up with Rachel," Bam said seriously.  "Yeah, we'll meet her again." The two of them opened the door of the tower and everything became so bright it made Renie and Bam pass out.

When Renie and Bam opened their eyes, they found themselves in a large hall, "Where are we?"bam said while looking around. "Somewhere in the tower maybe?"   Renie said.  Although Renie saw the first floor in Manhwa, she was stunned by the place.

  "It's been a long time since there's a visitor." Someone suddenly spoke, causing Bam and Renie to turn towards him.  To see a person who looks like a rabbit and holds a stick with a strange ball on top of it.

"Who are you?"  Bam said while holding Renie's hand.  "Welcome to the tower, two brothers. my name is headon and I am the guard of the first floor of the tower."  headon said while shaking his stick.  "You both opened the door of the tower yourself. What should I say is very interesting, especially that two people came at the same time"

Bam looked around after Headon mentioned the tower door and said.  "So we're really in the tower... so did you see a blonde girl with freckles on her face?"  Bam said excitedly because he thought there was hope to see her.

" a blonde girl with freckles on her face? " Headon tilted his head to the right.  "Hmmm".  headon hummed while  pretending to be trying to remember.” Did you see her?” Bam smiled. headin smirk and said.

"Everything you'll find at the top of the tower, your wishes will be real of you climb the tower" headon said, as Renie expected,  "so what are  your names?"
"Bam the twenty fifth and this is my sister renie" Bam said.

renie looked around to try to  find Rachel but she can't. even though she knew Rachel was here, but she couldn't find her. If she didn't read the manhwa, she wouldn't be able to tell that Rachel was here. 

She was absent-minded until that.  “If you want to go up the tower, you have to pass the test first,” headon said with a sly smile.  "a test?what is that? "  Bam said curiously.  'Now it will start,' Renie thought to herself. 

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