P r o l o u g e

22 9 2

Dedicated to @greenwriter


SHE WAS PINNED bizarre because of her idiosyncrasies, and was unfairly prejudged throughout her life. But, he found her, and made a special place for her, engraved in the canvas of his heart and soul.


AS A DAUGHTER of a peasant coal miner, residing in the slums of a small town of Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England. Emma Barnes still felt uplifted, finding solace and unbridled enthusiasm amidst wildlife habitats and nature's beauty, and was optimistic of a better morrow for her poor, wretched family.

However, after a tragic occurrence that resulted in the demise of her father, the bread winner, Mr. Philip Barnes, Emma is forcibly sent away from her family to live with her uncle, Mr. Williams Dickens, and his sadistic consanguinity, Mrs. Cordelia Dickens, and daughter Ms.  Victoria to receive formal education along with the missie of the manor.

Fortunately, her martyred stay with the Dickens became tolerable and less dull after an encounter with the heir of the Great Northern And Southern Railway Co. Mr. Charles Wigglesworth.

She was hopelessly smitten and captivated by the witty, suave and sophisticated gentleman.

But, what'll transpire when she's aware of her egocentric Aunt's orchestration for the gentleman's hand for her daughter, Ms. Victoria.

Will Emma fight head front for her love for the beau, or will she step aside, sacrificing her own happiness because of her selflessness and gratitude for the Dickens hospitality?.


The Misplaced Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora