
After assuring Luke and Thalia for the millionth time that I was fine, I finally reached the Big House to talk to Chiron. To my surprise Artemis was also there beside the centaur. I bowed before the goddess , "Lady Artemis" Chron rose out of his Mist-enhanced wheelchair and shook my hand "It is great to see you well again, Perseus. Your mother has been enquiring about you all morning." I looked towards Artemis , whose face had concern clearly etched on it." I am sorry to have worried you, Lady Artemis. " " Please Perseus , address me as your mother , at least. I know I have not done what I should have in your infancy, but I am willing to help and guide you , whenever you require . " I smiled softly at her " Thanks for caring , Mother. While I am upset about what you did before , I appreciate your care now. " She smiled back as she left in a flash of silver light. I was still mad at her for what she had done , but almost dying to a Fury made me realise it was stupid to hold grudges. She was several millennia old. She could not be forgiven , bit if we both tried , perhaps we could move past what had happened.
Chiron trotted closer to me and told me of Halcyon Green leaving Camp. I couldn't understand his decision,but accepted it.. Chiron said that Hal had simply been tired , and smiled mysteriously when I looked confused. "You'll not understand yet . Serving Olympus takes its toll."

"Ah , Perseus , I almost forgot , " Chiron said " Lord Hermes contacted me via Iris message earlier, he wishes to thank you for helping his son , and said that he wants to offer Luke a Quest soon , to get Luke the recognition Hermes feels Luke deserves. " That was odd.."Luke is talented, fine, but he's only been here for a day! Wouldn't an older camper be better ? Luke needs time to train. " Chiron sighed " Hermes was adamant that it be Luke , but from what I gathered the quest is not something of utmost importance, so Luke should be able to have training for a week or so. " I supposed that was better than nothing, but I still didn't like it. Luke had just reached the safety of Camp Half Blood, why send him outside again?
I asked Chiron "Will I be allowed to go with him, at least ? " Chiron said that Hermes hadn't said anything against it , so " As long as the prophecy doesn't forbid it , you should be able to. " The prophecy.. ughh..meant Luke would have to see the creepy zombie in the attic again. I had (thankfully) never seen it in action, but I'd felt it watching me from the attic a couple of times. Creepy. Chiron told me about other campers' activities for a while , then the conch horn blew , and everyone went towards the dining pavilion for dinner. I sacrificed parts of my dinner to Zeus and Apollo , thanking them for protecting and healing me. For the first time in my life , I also dropped a portion of the brisket and said "Mother , Artemis. Thanks for trying."
I might have imagined it , but a breeze blew through the woods and the silver moon above seemed to glow brighter for a second.

LUKE (3 weeks later)

"Absolutely not , Father. I appreciate that you chose me for a quest but I'm not meeting the Oracle. " Hermes looked pained but I refused to budge.
I had been walking out of the Big House at midnight when Dad suddenly appeared and offered me a quest. And quest meant a prophecy. My mom had tried to host the Oracle of Delphi and it had destroyed her mind. It was the reason I ran away , though I hadn't told anyone that . Your own mother foretelling your death multiple times a day is traumatic. " Luke , please , a quest needs a prophecy. It will be fine , this is not May. " " I don't care . If a quest cannot proceed without a prophecy then I'm fine not going on one. I have made friends here , Thalia is here , Percy is here. I don't need fame or anything. " Dad shook his head " You really think I'm offering you a Quest for fame ? I chose you , specially, Lue for a reason. " " What? " I asked him " By tradition , if you succeed in the Quest I have planned for you , you may ask a favor of Lord Zeus. Any favor. So if there was someone you love who needed divine help to heal , you could ask him. " I couldn't believe it. " Mom? Zeus can heal Mom? " " Perhaps not directly , but Apollo surely can , if he allows my brother to do it. Luke , this is your only chance. " I stared at him for a few moments before I nodded. If it could save mom , I'd do it. " Your task will be to steal an Apple of Immortality from the Garden if the Hesperides." Oh , Heracles had done that , I thought. " Can't I do something original? I don't want to repeat some old trick. " Dad just laughed " Fine , finish this and return safely with your quest-mates and I'm sure I'll find something interesting for you to steal. There's a certain hammer I really want to try." " Alright, " I nodded at him as we walked up to the attic. He stopped at the door " Thanks, dad. " " Farewell , Luke " Hermes said , disappearing into vapour.
I took a deep breath , steeled my resolve and walked in. The place smelled of something dead . I looked around and
"Hiya!" I spun Aegis towards one of the practice dummies and watched as it was decapitated my target , bounced off the wall , took of another head , and flew back to my hand. I smiled at my progress. It was better to train after the others had gone to sleep as otherwise they tended to still stare at her .
And it was easier for me to practice with lightning powers when there was no one else nearby.
As I walked out towards the Cabin , Luke came out of the Big House, looking shaken. I rushed towards him and was about to ask him what happened when he said "Will you go on a quest with me ?" and promptly slumped down onto the ground.


She gazed in wonder as the knife slowed while free falling, ignoring the passage of time around it. Her great grandfather had asked her to try it to prove to herself this was real and that the drops of blood she lost every night were actually for a cause. To help her get strong enough to defend herself. Behind her , a gust of cold wind blew , and the knife fell back to earth. "Khione" , her great grandfather's voice said in her head.


Author's Note :

Ok , wow! We've crossed 5k reads , which is awesome, thank you ! and even more amazing we are currently (11/6/22) #1 on the nopercabeth tag and the sonofartemis tag .. I can't believe this.. Thank you to anyone who read this even once and to my new followers. Please vote and comment :)

Perseus, Demigod of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now