𝑷𝒕. 2

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~Lavender's pov~

I dusted my dress off and picked up my basket that was full of vibrant colored flowers. Elijah and I walked behind Amelia and William talking. "That was fun" I smiled looking up at him since he was about 6 inches taller than me. Here's a little about me. My full name is Augustine Bodalair, I'm 17 and I'm 5'4. My brown wavy hair reaches a little pass my shoulders while my eyes are hazel and almost green from their lightness. I am also next in line for my family's throne. I've never had any interest in being queen but it's what my parents demand, especially my mother.

All I wish I could do was tell my mother how I really felt but if I did, I wouldn't see the sun for decades. "Race you James" Elijah smirked. "You're going down!" James chuckled and began running. Elijah followed and soon they were neck a neck. I smiled watching them laugh as they ran. Suddenly James shoved Elijah causing him to fall into the pond in front of our kingdom. I gasped as I followed Scarlett, she was running to Elijah. "Oh my goodness are you okay!!" I put my basket down to help Elijah up. I heard a laugh slip out of Elijahs lips as he pulled James down into the pond.

I sighed with relief and shook my head. Scarlett looked at James rolling her eyes. "We should hurry up and get home" William uttered handing me my basket of flowers. I smiled and began walking into the village with Scarlett. William and Amelia helped James and Elijah out of the pond. As we walked through the village so many thoughts were crossing my mind. Won't they get in trouble? Does their father not care? Are the boys not scared of getting sent away? I left my stage of what seemed like hypnosis as me and Scarlett parted ways. I walked up the stairs to the front of my castle, I took a deep breath and walked in.

~Elijah's pov~

As James and I laughed we walked into the castle meeting our father in the throne room. "Good lord what happened to you!!" He exclaimed furiously. "Well you see here...we tripped and fell into the pond in front of the village" I fiddled with my fingers looking at James out of the corner of my eye. He was shaking slightly and looking right into my fathers eyes. "I expect this kind of behavior from him" he pointed at James as if he was a dog "but you Elijah?" my father shook his head disappointed. "I'm sorry father.." I gulped. "I've had it with I'm sorry's, you're supposed to be the big brother, start acting like it!" The door slammed as he walked out.

~Elijas's pov~

I jumped as the sound echoed through the corridors. "I'm sorry James" Hames looked at me. "It's fine I'm used to it, I'm gonna go change.." He swallowed hard walking up the staircase. I soon headed up to my room as I shut my door, taking off my jacket setting it on my desktop. My eyes watered as I changed into clean clothes and threw my wet ones in my laundry hamper. A tear rolled down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away. I felt bad about the way my father treated my brother, i didn't understand why he was so cruel. I closed my curtains and laid in bed staring at the wall. All I heard was arguing from James's room across the hall. It became silent from a moment as i heard James yelp. I wish I could say I knew what happened but the truth is, I just couldn't....

𝑫𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒔Where stories live. Discover now