Chapter5 ~ 🐍Edmund🐍 ~

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I walk out of my tent to see Peter, Susan and Lucy looking up at the hill, all still wearing their flower crowns. I look up to see what they're looking at, I see it's a young boy but older than Lucy.
"Is that your brother?" I ask them as I walk towards them
"Yes it is." Peter looks at me "his name is Edmund".
"Ohhhh ok"

!Time skip!

"Narnia isn't gonna run out of toast Ed" Lucy laughs.
"Make sure to pack some up for the journey home alright?" Peter says from beside me
"What!?" I exclaim getting up from the rock and looking at him.
"We're going home?" Lucy asks looking at Peter now too
"You three are" he looks at Edmund, Lucy and Susan.
"But why? You guys can't leave, you really can't" I plead but they ignore my question and keep talking to one another.
"The prophecy needs all four of us" Lucy continues to reason with Peter. I felt I wasn't needed in the conversation anymore so I drifted of into my own thoughts, drowning out their talk.

"Y/n you coming?" Susan asks pulling me out of my thoughts
"What?" I turn my head to her
"To come and practice? You know because we're staying...?" She says looking very confused
"Right.....sure" I say as smoothly as possible (which was really not smooth at all).

Susan gets out her bow/arrows and points her arrow at the target in front of her. She shoots, it hits the black space Lucy then throws her dagger at it and hits the centre red.
I get out my wand and point it at the target next to the one they're shooting at. My target bursts into flames, Susan and Lucy look at me with shock
"Uh oops?" I laugh.
"What else can you do, besides using magic?" Susan asks randomly. I was getting used to being asked so many questions.
"I can use a sword, I can make a decent shot with an arrow and" I smirk a bit "I can break noses". They look at me shocked "what can I say I've had practice" I smile at them.
"You're joking right?" Susan looks at me "about having practice"
"Of course I am................................soughta".

Soon the boys (yes daaaaa boyzzzzz) are on the hill too. Edmund on a brown horse and Peter on a white unicorn. I look at Peter practicing sword fighting with his younger brother. His smile makes me smile. His blue eyes shine in the sunlight. His blonde hair a mess but most importantly him. I like being friends with Peter Pevensie.
"You better come quick" beaver rushes up the hill "The white witch has ordered a meeting with Aslan, hurry up she'll be here soon" he motions for us to follow him and I can feel all the colour from my face draining.
"Y/n are you alright?" Susan asks
"Yes, yes I am" I respond quickly.

Lmao not me listening to 'Whatta Man' by Salt-N-Pepper while writing that part 😭

Everyone is gathered around Aslans tent waiting for the white witch, including me. I stand next Peter as we all wait anxiously. Soon a dwarf walks down the path and says
"I present Jadis Queen Of Narnia", his voice squeaky and annoying.
I see lots of different creatures like, Minotaurs, dwarfs, cyclops and more but the one that scares me the most is the one that sits on the throne.
"That's the white witch?" Susan says from behind me "she doesn't look that scary"
"Oh trust me she is" I whisper back to her.

My mother gets off her throne, looks at Edmund then smiles at me but a wicked, twisted, cruel smile. I take a small step back, Peter notices and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers.
"You have a traitor in your mist Aslan" My mother speaks first to the great lion
"His offence was not to you" he speaks calmly as if this is normal day to day chitchat.
"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She retorts
Aslan growls a little before continuing "do not sight the deep magic to me witch!"
'Witch' That hurt, it really did because I am a witch too and not just a witch but daughter of whom he just insulted for being one as if being a witch was a bad thing. Lucy looks up at me and I can tell shes trying to make me feel better.
"I was there when it was written" Aslan had continued, my mother Jadis looked a bit taken aback but didn't stumble to respond.
"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me" she looks at Edmund "his blood is my property".
"Try and take him then!" Peter yells letting go of my hand to take out his sword and point it at her, a minotaur holds his axe up in defence of his 'queen'.
"Do you really think mer force will deny me my right?" She pauses looking at Peter then at me "little king".

Peter looks hurt, I know how he feels. I've been there many times before. He puts his sword back in its sheath and steps back next to me.
"don't worry, Edmund will be safe" I whisper to him
"Thanks" he smiles down at me and takes my hand again.

"Aslan knows that unless I have blood as the law demands" Jadis turns to all the other Narnians "all of Narnia will be over turned and perish in fire and water" yells erupt from the crowd.
She turns back to Edmund and points at him "that boy! Will die on the stone table" she smiles wickedly.
Peter looks at Edmund more worried than I've ever seen him. "As is tradition" she turns back to Aslan "you dare not refuse me".
"Enough" Aslan says, immediately the yells stop "I will speak with you alone".

Everybody waits in boredom, hoping for a good outcome of the discussion. Peter traces shapes on the back of my hand nervously while the others pick at the grass.
Susan catches my attention and raises an eyebrow then nods towards mine and Peters hands, I give small eyeroll, smile then shake my head a bit.
We all stand up as Jadis dramatically exits Aslans tent. She looks at Edmund and probably me too with disgust as she walks past us back to her throne.
We wait in anticipation as Aslan slowly walks out of his tent
"She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam".
Everybody cheers and claps, Susan hugs Edmund and so does Peter but our excitement is brought to an end by the white witch going "how do I know your promise will be kept?", Aslan roars at her and she sits down in her ice throne. We all cheer and clap even more but Aslan seems sad. I push the thought aside and continue celebrating.

Sry for long chapter, chapter7 will be long too.
Pls vote :)

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