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We watched to the front of the church and stood in front of the plaque that showed a tree emblem.

The bell tolled and I looked at sully. He looked up at the plaque as well.

"Santa Maria Del Pi..." I read.

"Saint Mary of the Pine." I followed.

"This has to be it. You might just be a genius." Sully said to Nate, nate turned to look at sully and smiled.

"Genius is a stretch." Chloe said. I looked to my right to stare at her.

"I'm sorry how long have you had this cross for? And how long has nate had the book?" I asked. I crossed my arms.

"I've been looking for this for ages." Chloe said to me.

"And nate and I have been here for nearly 3 hours and we have gotten further together than you have in years. Which might I add, is a bit sad." I spoke. I turned to nate and he smiled.

 I turned to nate and he smiled

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"Yeah. What she said." He nodded in agreement.

"Whatever. Okay good work. I'll go see when we might have a private look inside." Chloe said and walked off to the entrance of the church.

"So sully, what did you do to get on her bad side?" I asked. The two looked at me as I spoke.

"Nothing. She's just holding years of grudges. I'm a delight." Sully said and Nate laughed.

"Oh you weren't joking." Nate stoped laughing and straightened up.

"Oh please." I said and rolled my eyes.

"She is not to be trusted, understand?" Sully said switching eye contact between me and Nate.

I stood straight and saluted sarcastically.

"I'm serious." Sully said.

"Yeah yeah I get it. We get it." I surrendered my hands. My phone went off a second after. I reached into my back pocket and pulled it out. The vibration ended as I answered.

"I'll be right back guys." I said and pulled the phone to me ear I walked in the opposite direction and greeted the caller. I quickly glanced back to see Nate watching me as I walked away.

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The Heart in the Expedition - Uncharted Nathan Drake -Tom Holland- fanfic Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu