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"Mj!" I heard Miguel's yell from the living room. I pulled down my work shirt and sprinted into the hallway. I ran around the corner and saw Miguel playing video games on the grey couch in our living room.

Rolling my eyes I grab the half empty water bottle on the kitchen counter and threw it at his head.

"You scared me miggy." I turned around and faced the kitchen grabbing my purse that was on the counter heading to the door.

"Sorry Mj I just wanted to ask for some cash before you go to work, I want pizza tonight I'm already starving." His eyes never left the tv and he was getting more aggressive with the controller.

"Can't, we are gonna be short on rent since last weeks visit to the hospital was longer than the rest, maybe next week if I can pick something up after work." I threw a smile at him as he finally turned to me.

"Just don't be stupid..." he looked at me and turned back to the tv.

"I never am." I smiled. I locked the door as I exited our apartment.

We lived in a crappy neighborhood but it was the only thing we could afford. He's not in school since he would get picked on for being sick, so we switched him to online.

I walked a few streets down and into the diner I worked at.

"Good morning Susan!" I smiled at the older lady who owned the diner. She smiled back and handed my my apron.

"Come on Mary Jane you have 4 tabled waiting already!" She smiled and went back into her office.

I got to work and started serving.

I have a few rules when it comes to stealing.

1). Never steal at work or near home.

2). Never get to know the person you're stealing.

3). No names

4).. Do it for the right reason.

I have always stolen for extra cash for my brothers treatments. Since we live alone, one job isn't enough.

After 6 hours of working Susan comes back with the keys to the diner. I take off my apron and dust off any loose powered sugar off my shirt.

"I need a drink after this Susan.. I have no idea how you're always in a good mood here!" I help her lock the diner up and she walks me back to my apartment since she lives next to us.

"Oh Mary Jane you're too young be tired. How's miggy?" She asked. I smiled to her and pushed my loose hair behind my ear as we walked into our complex.

"Better, for now. He doesn't like talking about it but I know he's not sticking to his routine while I'm away. I just don't know how I'm gonna pay all these medical bills." We stoped in front of our doors.

"If you ever need a break Mary Jane I'm a door away!" She smiled sweetly and hugged me goodbye.

I waited until she walked inside and I headed back out the doorway.

There was a bar a few blocks down, after working doubles the entire week to cover the bills I need a drink.

I walked in and took a seat at the bar, the bartender was a sweet girl who took my order.

"You're late again..." I heard yelling from the back. The amount of times I've heard that.

I looked back at my drink and pulled out my phone. I looked to my left and saw a girl with a pricey bracelet and a wallet poking out of her purse that dangled on the chair she sat on. I looked back to my phone and took another drink.

I looked behind her and there was a guy sitting there, perfect.

I stood up and hit my left leg running into the guy.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean to!" I walked backward and bingo.

I turn around to see the blond look mad, I turn my body to her while my right hand held her arm and my left quickly touched the wallet and pulled.

"Watch it!" She yelled.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I really am clumsy I was just heading to the bathroom. Oh my, I actually really love your lashes... sorry! Again so sorry!" She lost her anger and smiled.

"Oh thanks I just got them done!" She batted her lashes. I smiled back and leaned against the bar.

"No way where? I've been trying to find a place but I'm just so scared they will mess them up!" I made my voice higher.

"Oh I have connections! Here's their number!" She pulled out her phone and gave me the number. I heard a chuckle and turned to the voice.

The bartender

Shit he probably saw

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Shit he probably saw.

"Hey I gotta go but it was nice meeting you!" The blond reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone, the bartender handed her the card reader and she paid with her phone not noticing her missing wallet.

Her wrist looking less pricey as I saw before... my eyes darted up to the bartender...

I looked down to his right pocket where the clasp of the bracelet was hanging out.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. I sat where the blond once drank and pulled my empty cup close.

"What can I get you tonight?" He smirked. I shook my empty cup and pushed it his way.

"Another one of these and the bracelet in your pocket if you're feeling generous." I tilted my head.

He looked up quickly after bending down to get more ice. He chuckled and smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about. How will you be paying? Cash?" He looked at me with an amused and taunting face and refilled my cup.

"That was a smooth move you got there. I have to give you credit for that." He threw the bottle of liquor in the air, as it spun he continued to speak.

"Too bad I got the bracelet and all you got is a wallet you don't even know has anything." He quietly spoke.

I rolled my eyes and leaned over the bar, I pushed the fallen hair behind my ear and I see him loose focus on the drink he was making.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He looked down at my lips as I smiled and spoke.

Is this approach wrong? Yes
Is that bracelet worth more than the wallet and whatever is inside? Yes

"What's your name?" He asked.

Rule number 3. No names.

"Kara... and yours?" I rested my cheek on my hand.


The Heart in the Expedition - Uncharted Nathan Drake -Tom Holland- fanfic Where stories live. Discover now