She then went to the living room and watched her shows that she loved. I took that oppertunity to take a quick shower and when I got done I got dressed. ( www. polyvore .com/untitled_42/set?id=58678147)(take out spaces)

It was about 12:25pm when I heard the doorbell ring, so I got up off the couch and answered it


And within seconds Abby was infront of Zak wanting to be picked up

"Did you have fun?" Zak asked picking her up

"Yeah and I got alot of candy"

"Really? Well Don't eat it all at once, you'll get sick, it happened to me before"


he then put her down

"You two ready?"

"Yeah, can we go to Long John Silver's?" Aaby asked

That does sound good right now, I haven't had that for a long time I thought

"Sure" Zak said

We made our way to his car.

"So how come you wanted to eat all your candy at once?"

"Because my sister kept stealing it so I was thinking if I ate all of it she couldn't get any...but that plan backfired I was sick for two days"

I giggled and shook my head. When we all got in we took off to Long John Silver's. While we were going there Abby started talking to herself. Me and Zak looked in the rear view mirror and then Zak looked at me concerned and I looked at him

"Probably just her imaginary friend" I said shrugging

I then looked down at Zak's arm and I raised my eyebrow and looked at him again

"Are you cold? Because your hair is sticking up on your arm"

"No, my body does that when there's a spirit near me"

"So you're saying that there's a spirit in your car right now?" I asked as we parked in the parking lot

"It's a possibility"

I just dropped it. Was I a skeptic? No, Was I a believer? No, I don't know what I thought about the paranormal.

"Abby honey, we're here" I said

"Ok..." she said looking at me and then to the side of her "I'll see you later" she said waving

and I noticed Zak's hair on his arm went back down and then we got out and went in the building. We ordered our food and sat down at a booth

"Abby can I ask you something?" Zak asked

she nodded and ate one of her french fries

"Who were you talking to in the car?"

"A friend" she said and took a bite of her piece of fish

"Was it a boy or a girl?"

"Boy, he was tall and friendly"

and that conversation stopped. When we were done we went to the park. Abby was playing with the other kids while me and Zak sat down at one of the picnic tables

"Should I be worried?"

"About what?" Zak asked confused while he put his keys and phone on the tabletop

"About the spirit or whatever she was talking to"

"It was probably just a spirit passing and wanted to say hi to her, I don't think anything came home with me...I usually get the..."

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