Not too big, not too small or perfect. Just right.

"So...what do you think?" Douglas cautiously asked, wondering if she might hate it as he did not try to aim at poor or perfection, knowing he did not want Callisto to stick out under the communities' attention.

She turns to him and smiled. "I like it. Thank you for setting my new home up. I wish I could repay you though I do not believe I own my family's wealth."

Douglas chuckled. "Yeah, about that my family has ensured that the Arcadian bloodline's wealth be maintain in case any descendants were discovered and rightfully inherent those riches." Taking out from his pocket is a credit card and from a box with documentation. "Your family's wealth is stored safely at several bank accounts and converted into good ol' green currency, though some are still gold bars and jewelries if you're old fashion. In other words your highness you are rich."

Callisto was surprise by this fact that she still retained her wealth. She studies at the odd plastic card. "And this is?"

"A debit card, plus I have a credit card just in case. It's real simple to use and I will make sure you know the benefits and cons of using it. You can always withdraw your money if you need to as I got all your forged documentations ready under the name Callisto Arcadia. As for as the blind eye goes, no one will believe you are the infamous Callisto who was turned into a bear or a constellation."

Callisto rolled her eyes at the pettiness from the gods of twisting her reputation. She then gave a grateful smile at the Druid. "Thank you. I certainly must repay you as you have been too kind to me."

"There's no need as my family's ancestors had their share of money to spare."

"Hmm. So I suppose I should check around the premises and then discuss a plan to infiltrate this town and begin asserting my voice." She smirks, flashing her red eyes.

Douglas showed the True Alpha around the premises. It had three bedrooms, two to be spared and each one with their own bathrooms. Kitchen had food stockpiled but underneath the house is the basement where the real base of operation is cooking.

The basement was stored with Druid equipment like herbs, chains, mountain ash, some weapons, etc. It even included a cellar with reinforced steel and Tungsten bars.

"And that is the tour of the Arcadia residence. I believe we are all set for operation: Restore Natural Balance." Douglas announced.

Callisto looks at the laptop at the table. "I believe. Even though I am rich it would not hurt to obtain a job. Y'know inside information to obtain," She looks over her shoulder at Douglas.

Douglas rubbed his chin. "Police officer? It's practically a hotspot for murder cases, though I don't think you know how to use a gun and you require training, and we don't have that luxury to get you in law enforcement. Something easy and slighter our way." A lightbulb manifested next to his head and snapped his fingers. "How good would you say is your history?"

Callisto deadpanned. "You know I have been sleeping right?"

"Well what about Greek history on gods and what came before the Bronze age ended?" He smiles widely.

Callisto stuck her lower lips and shrugged. "I suppose though where are you going with this?"

Douglas sniggered. "Oh nothing. I just hope you have the discipline of patience to handle a bunch of teenagers."

She arched her brow, not liking where this is going.


It was nighttime in Mystic Falls. Callisto had gone out on patrol to get a good layout of the town's areas and forest. Good for running around whenever she wanted to shift. She would make sure to find perfect hiding spots to store some extra pair of clothes just in case she needed to change back.

🐺 Goddess of Wolves 🐺Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora