Hope's First Heartbreak

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Hope sat in her room crying, she had just broken up with her boyfriend Jasper. Killian didn't know how to comfort his little girl, she was 16 and her heart was broken. Emma sat on the bed holding her daughter close to her chest, trying to hide the tears of her own. "Hope it gets better honey trust me, I've had my heart broken plenty of times." Hope wiped the tears, "Really?" She questioned. "Yes, Henry's father Neal broke my heart first I was around your age. And I learned from it. Jasper doesn't know what he's missing." Hope gave a sly smile, "He told me that he needs time to figure things out. He said he loves me but he needs space. I don't know how much space I can give him before he doesn't want to be with me." Emma let a single tear fall but wiped it before her daughter could see, "When Jasper is ready he will be back. I've seen how much that boy loves you. And I promise you I won't let him hurt you again. Neither will your father."
"Thanks mom, I love you. AND I LOVE YOU DADDY." Hope screamed knowing her dad was listening outside the door.

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