A Charming/Jones/Mills Christmas

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Everyone was in panic mode especially Snow. Everything had to be perfect, it's Christmas Day, she woke up at 3:30 to make sure everything was ready. By the time the guest arrived at 8 breakfast was made. Gifts were soon passed around, "Mom, dad you guys have the same gift here." Emma said handing them a box, Snow and Charming peeled open the wrapping paper inside were two shirts. "Shirts?" Snow questioned, "Read them!" She exclaimed unable to control her emotions. "Baby Jones coming soon. Can't wait to meet you Grandma and Grandpa." Snow read aloud. "You're pregnant." She said, "Yes we are, about 16 weeks." Everyone celebrated the news, "That is just wonderful because Robin and I are pregnant too. I found a way to reverse the spell." The two babies were born weeks apart, Hope Swan Jones born first then Olivia Claire Mills-Locksley born next. The Charming Family grew by two that year.

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